(55) How Deep Is Your Love

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The above song says the title and who it is by on cover so I won't say that. What I will say: I don't own the song or video, but thought it went along with this chapter. I'm sure most of you have at least heard about the song, if not listened to snip its of it on the radio or something. I recently watched a documentary on Bee Gees and with only one alive, it was pretty sad, but it made me more appreciative for the life I have and the people in it. You know? Anyway, hope you enjoy! Happy reading! Vote and comment, please!! :) <3 <3

Where am I? "What is happening?" I scream out at darkness.

Last thing I knew I was burning alive. Screaming as Dean just smirked.

And now?

What the hell is happening?

"Is anyone there?" I call out.

Still darkness.


I see a flicker of a shadow.

Shoulder length brown hair in a beautiful white gown. Flying on angel wings.


And then her face comes into view.

It couldn't be. All the air is taken out of me in a gasp. My hands come to touch my chest.

My flowing light green clad chest.

Satin. My feet are bare.

No remnants of scars. Blood. Barf.

Silky smooth skin.

And before I can say anything, another figure comes into picture.

This one in a suit. White. Same angel wings. Blonde hair. Neither person is wearing shoes.

And this one is...

My dad.

My mom and dad.

In my presence.

And suddenly the darkness becomes a flowing field. Greener than anything. With a pink, orange, blue and purple sky above. Multi-colored trees.

The scene before me is the most beautiful thing I've ever seen.

I run to them before I can think about it and they pick me up in their arms. Gripping me tight and it is like no time was ever lost.

I'm still twelve years old and they are still my parents. Kind and loving. Supportive.

My mom holds me at arms length, her eyes fierce brown orbs. "Now listen to me because what we are about to say is very important." She looks to my father and I find my gaze following hers. He nods to me. His gaze was just as fierce as hers.

"You have to fight." They both say at the same time.

"You can't give up." Mom says. "You can get through this."

"Because you are our daughter." Dad adds, looking at me with adoration. "And we didn't raise a quitter."

"Did we?" Mom asks.

"I don't want to leave you." Tears flow down my cheeks. Mom wipes them away only for new ones to replace them.

"But sweetie, we never left you." She puts her hand on my heart and my hand goes on top of hers while dad puts his hand on top of mine.

"We will always be right here." She says.

"Watching over you." Dad adds.

And then, their shadow seems to fade and I find myself running after their shadow in vain because it disappeared.

Replaced with black again.

"Make us proud." I hear their voices echo.

Okay. Now, this chapter had been a little spiritual and believe me, I know not everyone believes in a higher power. I'm not trying to change that. I respect you and your values, but at the same time I would like to believe that our loved ones that we lose in this life, we gain back in a different life and that they are never really lost. That we carry them in our hearts. That they are watching over us. Seeing our pain. Our shame. Rejoicing at our happiness. Our renewed happiness. I do believe in heaven. I've only been to church once and for a funeral. I was never baptized, but I pray every night and when I am feeling at my lowest I prey too because I would like to think that God is watching over me and that this pain is for a reason and won't last forever. This chapter was not at all meant to change your views or mock them. Not everyone believes. I get that and I respect that, but at the same time I do believe and I hope you can get that and respect that too, even if you don't necessarily believe yourself. Anyway, with that said, vote and comment please!! I hope you enjoyed this chapter!! :) <3 <3 More to come soon!!

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