3- Treatment center

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(This chapter is heavily inspired by an episode, but I am not following the script)

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(This chapter is heavily inspired by an episode, but I am not following the script)


"Be safe." I hugged him quickly before Voight could see us and he smiled at me, assuring me he'd be fine. I nodded, letting him go over to Adam and Kevin as well as our new tech guy so they could plant mics and other things on him for his short undercover mission. It made me feel nervous, knowing he was going undercover but I knew he would be just fine. It trusted the team and I trusted him.

He was going undercover in a treatment center for troubled young girls. A young girl was found dead in an abandoned building close the the center. No one even reported her dead, so the police had kept it quiet and passed the case onto us. We were informed that the girl was called Sam Wells and that she did in fact live in the center and had been living there for years now. We were told about her friends there and how shady this whole place looked but it was a private institution so without a good reason no one could do anything. Luckily for the Chicago Police Department, the Intelligence unit was specialized in undercover operations and so they had asked Voight to send someone as a guard. Voight had selected Jay, knowing he'd be able to get the information we needed out of the young girls. I suspected it was because of his looks, but I didn't say anything about it.

He was hired a few days ago as a guard and was told today was going to be his first day. Once he was all ready, each of us wished him good luck and went back upstairs to work on some paperwork and maybe even small cases but I knew Voight preferred having our full attention on the undercover mission going on.

"So, not too nervous about your lover being undercover?" Ruzek singsang jokingly, making me laugh and shake my head at him.

"No, I'm okay." I stuck my tongue out at him and he laughed, concentrating back on his work.

Voight walked out of his office by the end of the day to talk to us. "Jay just called, they gave him nightshift so you can all go home and we'll see him tomorrow morning." Everyone nodded and got up from their seats to pack up their stuff and leave.

"You want me to come over?" Hailey asked, hanging her purse on her shoulder.

"No, I'll be fine. Thank you though." I smiled at her and we left the district together.


"First nightshift, Ryan?" The main guard asked me as we watched over the girls eating in the cafeteria.

"Yeah, well first shift ever even." I chuckled and he smirked lightly, which I found strange but I didn't think much of it until he spoke again.

"Alright then, let me show you how things work around here." He said, walking around and showing me the different rooms and explaining the rules and stuff like that. I nodded, taking in all of the information that was thrown at me.

"Vince! We need you in the cafeteria." Someone shooted and Vince told me to follow him. He jogged to the cafeteria and I followed closely behind.

A fight had erupted down in the cafeteria, two girls were fighting and now the whole cafeteria got in the middle of it. I bet most of them didn't even know why they were fighting but were just going at it for the hell of it.

Vince grabbed a girl and pulled her away from the crowd and I did the same, grabbing a girl that seemed to be really deep in the fight. A few minutes later, the fight calmed down but the girl I had pulled away was grabbed by another guard. They signalled me to follow so they could show me what to do when girls pick up fights like this. They brought her into the solidarity unit. That's when it became worse on her part. She screamed and kicked that it wasn't her fault and other things I simply didn't hear.

The guard wasn't doing a very good job at calming her either. She just shouted on top of her and screamed at her to calm down.

"Alright, this isn't working." I stated, tired of just standing there and waiting for her fit to pass. I grabbed the girl by the arms and pulled her back into my chest so I could easily contain her. "Calm down! Please calm down! Please calm down."

"I'll go get the nurse." The guard told me and I simply nodded as I asked the young girl to calm down once again. After a while she finally did and turned around to face me when I let her go.

"You okay? We good?" I asked, my arms slightly raised up in the air.

"I don't know you." She said, "I'm Ellie."

"Ryan, it's my first day." I smiled nicely at her, hoping she'd stay calm.

"I'm guessing you don't really know how they work here." Ellie stated, stepping forward. I was about to answer and say that I picked up a few things ever since my shift started but before I could ever think about saying it, she pushed me backwards. Once my back hit the wall, her hands pulled at my belt and my eyes widened. I could barely register what was happening before she started undoing my belt. I stopped her just before she undid it and as her lips were extremely close to my neck.

"W-what are you doing?" I asked, extremely uncomfortable and surprised by her approach. I could tell it wasn't the first time she did something like this, it was pretty obvious.

"Showing you what we do here." She barely moved when I tried to push her away and just continued, "You see, the girls here can pleasure you if you help them in exchange."

I took her hands and pushed her away from me just as the nurse walked in. They stepped away and I followed extremely confused by what had just happened. The next few hours of the shift were pretty uneventful and I was able to go quite early in the morning when the next shift began. I drove back home, hoping to get a few hours of sleep before going to the bullpen and then working the nightshift at the treatment center.

I locked the doors of my pickup and walked inside the building. I went up the stairs quickly, fished out my keys from my pockets and unlocked my door. Amelia seemed to be sleeping so I tried my best to be quiet as I made my way to the bathroom. I got ready for bed and undressed before joining my girlfriend in our bed.

I slipped under the covers and hugged her from behind, holding her close to me. I left a gentle kiss on her shoulder and leaned my head on my pillow, already excited about telling her everything that went down today - obviously before I told anyone else. That was a plus of working with my girlfriend, I didn't have to be quiet about certain things - on the contrary - she had to know everything. It was easier and much more pleasant for us and our relationship.

I smiled to myself as I cleared my head of any negative thoughts I had left from today, drifting into a peaceful sleep.

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