44- Care under fire

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The cold breeze hit his face as he walked across the street, looking from side to side - observing his surroundings

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The cold breeze hit his face as he walked across the street, looking from side to side - observing his surroundings. His hands pushed open the bar's door as he stepped in, heading over to the bar. Jay looked at the bartenders, looking for a specific woman. Once his eyes found her, he headed over to her section of the bar sitting down on one of the bar stools and waited for her to come over to him.

"You'll be careful, right?" Her hands straightened his collar as she avoided looking at him, worry taking over all of her features.

"Yes, of course baby." He reassured her, gently resting his hands on her shoulder. He slipped them up her neck and to her cheek, cupping them. "Don't worry, okay? I got this."

"Hey, what can I get you?" The woman asked him, impatiently standing in front of him.

"A beer, please." He asked, looking around until he spotted Luis. Jay knew his way to get to Luis was through Camila, so he had to get somewhat acquainted to her. He worked on it for majority of the night, succeeding in getting her first name. After a while of talking to Camila, Luis made his way over to him - completely blowing Jay off when he tried to bond over their common experience in the Rangers. Luis walked away from them, with another beer in hand and Jay turned back to Camila.

"Is he always like that?" Jay asked, taking a sip of his beer as he let out a faint chuckle. She chuckled as well, nodding.

"A dick? Yeah, a solid 98 percent of the time. I just thought it'd be fun." She teased, making him shake his head at her. They heard commotion in the background making them both turn to where all the noise was coming from. It was Luis, right in the middle of a confrontation. Jay decided it was time for him to play hero so he jumped in the middle of it, defending Luis' honor. He threw a few punches, helping Luis get back up before Camila headed over to them - informing them they had to run because the police were coming.

"Be careful, Jay, you got a beautiful soon-to-be wife and unborn baby waiting for you back here." Ruzek teased, punching Jay's shoulder - earning himself an eye roll and laugh from Halstead.

"I know. You'll watch over her whilst him gone, right?" Jay made sure, he knew Ruzek had his back as well as Amelia's.

"Of course, man, she's got a whole unit watching over both of them."

Jay helped Luis get back home, only to realize that they were locked outside. They stayed outside, sitting on the front porch as they waited for Camila to get back home. Jay finally got Luis to open up to him about his time away. The two bonded as Camila arrived and Jay helped her guide Luis to his room, as he was practically passing out on the front porch. Jay walked around the place as Camila helped her brother get comfortable, he used this time to look around and snoop.

"What are you doing?" Camila asked, leaning against the doorway of the kitchen. She pulled her lips into a thin line, watching him.

"Looking for a last name and a number." Jay flirted, fiddling with a letter on the table. He looked down, licking his lips before looking back up at her with a smug smile on his lips. She scoffed, shaking her head at him.

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