Chapter 1

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The world are full of criminals. Full of deceivers and wicked. It's very disappointing that the world is revolving in that kind of way does it?

I watched the whole scenario in silence. My eyes automatically scanned the body, a possible deduction came up to my mind. Based on what I heard, a suicide happened... or that was what the suspect wanted the authorities to believe.

The body was angled nicely. The way how the victim positioned was in fact perfect and believable. Everyone would mistaken this as a suicide but I don't think so.I squinted my eyes and found fading scratches on  the back of the victim's arm like she scraped it somewhere else. Her clothes were also mysteriously unkempt. Her shirt was crumpled messily. I gazed up and examined the sliding glass window which where this girl "jumped", but I noticed something that fitted the puzzle in my mind.

This was no suicide. It was a murder in suicide's clothing.

"Officer, can I see the girl's suicide note?", I asked one of the police officers examining the body. He raised his brow and eyed me in judgement. The look I'm pretty much used too.

"Kid, this is not a game for you to play detective.", he dismissed. I may have rolled my eyes, if he wasn't older than me. My hands searched for the leather in my pocket that I swear I would shoved into his face for degrading me like that, but fate was really not in my side that time. The leather, my wallet that contains my money and especially, my special identification card was nowhere to be found.

Oh my g-

I realized that I left it on the top of my study table back on our dorm which is thirty minutes away from here  and I can't left a crime scene for that long. Every milliseconds is not to waste for.

"Sir, I am a student of Institute of Arcane. I just forgot my id. ", I explained.

"Arcane? look kid, you can't fool me. Students from Arcane need their ID at all times to operate but if you have none then you are free to go."

"But sir, it's true-"

"Sir, I am Jihyo, student of Arcane and this girl here is my schoolmate.", a voice from my back said. My head snapped to her direction but she simply gave me a knowing look before smiling politely at the officer.

Park Jisoo...or I must say, Jihyo. It was very unnatural to see a topnotcher in this kind of place. Her long dusty pinkish hair highlighted her honey tanned skin. She only wore an oversize black shirt partnered with an on the knee shorts. Despite of the casual clothing, she looked stunning nonetheless.

Why is she here though?

"To be very honest, you look more like an Arcane student than this kid here but I need to see your ID to make sure." Jihyo gave her id and the officer's face paled when she saw the structure of it. Arcane's topnotchers have different IDs compare to us regulars. It has more power than the police officer himself.

"M-miss, here's the suicide note."

After we put the plastic gloves on, we started to hover around the crime scene. I glanced at Jihyo from time to time, I'm really curious why she's here. Upper class men are working for more serious crimes than this.

"If you're going to say something, just say it.", she spoke, her eyes still on the victim's body.

"Why are you here?"
"What do you mean?"
"You're an upper class."

"This case is too small for you.", I rebated. She chuckled and lifted her gaze to me, "If there's a murder then this is no small case."

CRASH! Our conversation stopped when a subtle noise disturbed us. The officers around us was too busy gathering evidences that's why they didn't noticed the sound. Jihyo and I had an eye contact before following the sound... or more like chasing the culprit of the crime.

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