Chapter 32

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Sadly, it did happen.

Her body floated on the middle of the pool, her back was on the top while her hair sprawled messily on the waters. My arms were crossed, watching the scene with a blank expression.

Just like before, she attempted to kill herself by drowning. What's with the water Hirai?

I took my shirt on my head, putting it on the floor that was away enough from the pool. I dove right into the pool, a sound of splash echoed through halls. I swam to her direction, dragging her body to the side. She was unconscious until she suddenly cupped my cheeks, placing her lips on mine. It was a brief contact and it didn't last long because she fell unconscious again.

"Tae Ri...", she spoke before she closed her eyes.

She thought I was Tae Ri. I gently carried her on my arms. Why did she jumped to the water? What is her reason? Of course I know, but it would made more sense if she said it herself right?

Putting on my theatrical act,  I rushed towards the clinic, banging the door in panic. "Help! Please help!"

The clinic doctor was already on his sleepwear when he rushed to us. He made me placed Momo unto one of the clinic bed. He checked her pulse and did procedures while I stood there emotionless.

Momo and I has a similarity.

We both want to escape.

We both want to forget.

Unfortunately, we can't.

"She's stable now but she need to break from your activities. She need to have a proper rest and psychiatric help. She seemed uneasy and stressed.", he said. I nodded before I made my way to the chair on her side. I sat on it, watching her on her fragile state. Years ago I found her like this helpless.

I felt my heart thug. My gaze went to her lips. She kissed me, yet she called for Tae Ri. My sister really had tons of admirers, I chuckled.

I stood and leaned to her sleeping figure. My eyes flickered to her tempting lips, but I chose not to. I pecked her forehead, a sign of respect and apology.

"I'm sorry, Momo."


Murmurs hovered around the hall, watching the Japanese carried her things towards the building of the regulars. Starting from today, Hirai Momo is officially not a member of The Spades nor a student of IOA.

The higher ups were not pleased by what she did. She did taint the name of the club. After all, they wouldn't want the students follow what she did so they decided to kicked her out.

Their most sharpest gun man. One of their living weapons.

It was the IOA's lost to be honest and I am pleased.

I decided to follow her outside, making my presence unbeknownst. I just want to know where she will go. As far as I know, her family were dead while her relatives doesn't want to take her in because of fear.

But she became out of sight when I reached the gates. I looked around to spot her yet It was no avail. Where the fuck is she? I continued to search for her, to the point that I am already far away from IOA. Suddenly, someone hugged me from the back while a thing pointed to my side.

"Come with me or I won't hesitate to shoot you here.", Momo growled, pointing the gun's muzzle harder. I cursed under my breath, before silently nodding, obliging her orders.

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