Chapter 21

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"Myoui Mina, hmm... perfect, I see.", I said while scanning the document on my hands, revealing the information about the student. My eyes squinted to the 1 by 1 picture of her on the top right of the paper.

She's beautiful... and flawless.

I sighed, I have nothing to have against her. I'm about to put back the document back to its drawer when it tripped to my hand and fell. I muttered a curse before I bend down to stack back the material. I noticed a folded paper, nicely attached behind the documents like it was meant to be hidden from everyone. My brows furrowed in curiosity. I carefully stripped the paper to not damage the material and when I successfully did, I breathed a sigh of relief.


Name: Myoui Mina
Issue: The patient is dada, dada, dada, dada,  and dada, dada, dada, dada. I rolled my eyes as I read the sentences with no exciting information at all until I stopped towards the last words of the paragraph.

"Is horribly violent with anger management issues...", I trailed. My lips parted in shock, oh, so this is her flaw?

I hissed in pain when I felt a cold material damped my lips. My eyes fluttered, and I saw two goddesses aiding my body,

Or so I thought...

"Y/N!", Jeongyeon exclaimed when she saw me woke up.

"Ouch...", I answered dryly. Based on my surrounding, I'm not in that dark place anymore instead I am inside of a clinic. My eyes travelled to the other girl who shifted away when she saw me awakened. Im Nayeon fiddled nervously with her fingers, her gaze were everywhere except me.

"Tell me, who did this to you?! I will make them pay!", Jeongyeon said, dripping with anger. Unluckily, I don't have the plan to tell her what happened. It's between me and Mina, plus the one who witnessed the whole scene.

Yes, I'm talking about you, Im Nayeon. My eyes flew to Nayeon,  and Jeongyeon eventually mistaken the gesture.

"What did you do to her?!"
"What the hell?! I'm the one who brought her here!", Nayeon defended. I held Jeongyeon's hand to calm her down.

"She didn't do anything.", I croaked. Jeongyeon turned her head to me, "Are you sure or she threatened you to don't say the truth? Y/N, I swear-"

"She know nothing  Jeong.", I partly lied.


After failing to persuade me to tell who put these bruises on my face, Jeongyeon left and returned to her dorm by my orders, leaving Nayeon and I. I'm surprised that she stayed by my side because she's notorious for hating my ass.

"Why?", she spoke, breaking the silence. My brow raised, "What?"

"Why did you lie to Jeongyeon?"

I wanted to laugh but my ribs were prohibiting me to. Nayeon, nayeon, nayeon, does it make a difference? If I didn't lie to her then you will.

"It's my fault that I pushed Mina's buttons at the first place.", I answered. She briefly looked at me but she took it away when she bombarded me with another question, "Do you have any plans to tell Jihyo?"

I bit my lip, thinking about the certain pink haired girl.
"Do I need to?"

"I don't know. It's up to you." The causality despite of the awkwardness, shocked me. It was refreshing to have talks like this with Nayeon, no banters or arguments. Just me and her talking like we didn't hate each other.

Or more like she didn't hate me.

"If that's the case then I won't. It's not that big deal to me either.", I replied. Silence after silence, and then I spoke, "I'm surprised that you're still here. You hate me so much that you despise breathing the same air as me."

She stared to me, her eyes showed softness for a mean time, "I'm worried", but it immediately turned back to the gaze I used to see,  "But yes, I do hate you."

"I told you before didn't I? I don't want you in the club."
"Don't bullshit with me with that excuse, Nayeon.", I remarked. We held eye contacts but she broke it off. I know she feels it too. The intensity...

I sat and did my best to get closer to her. My eyes flickered down to her lips. It looks so plump. So,  so ravishing. A tempting dessert. I didn't realize that I started to lean more, invading our private spaces while the tip of our noses touching. I took a good look on her, she had her eyes closed, awaiting for me to close the gap and I smirk.

I leaned and whispered to her lips, my breath hitting the fluff looking crimson flesh, "What's your secret Im Nayeon?"

And then I pulled back and she hastily opened her eyes, disappointed and confuse. I'm no Romeo of yours, Nayeon.



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