Chapter 29

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You'd never see Jihyo restless until now.

The bags around her eyes, the blank expression on her face while looking to nowhere. The club had been unusually quiet when I returned. Nayeon still ignores me, which was not very surprising. Mina in her cool facade yet it crumbles down whenever our gazes met,  Dahyun was not here due to her twin's current condition; I heard she was already awake. Momo became unresponsive, Chaeyoung is missing and Sana...

I am ignoring Sana.

Why? Because I hate it how I almost show my fragility to her. That was not supposed to happen. Thank goodness I managed to bring back my mind back to the game. 

The silence was deafening. It hovered around us like a poison, like a game of lava is the floor. Nayeon seemed to be not please anymore that's why she begun to speak.

"Are we going to let this? The one who sent these know us more than we know. We shouldn't tolerate this kind of thing! We should do something!", Nayeon voiced out. Mina sneered, intimidating the latter, "We need to share the contents of our red envelope if we do something. Are you sure you trust us enough to share yours? Because I'm pretty sure I'm not."

They were cornered. Hopeless, in fact. The reaper came to hunt them down one by one. To reveal their secrets at any moment. But who would be the first one to break?

I played the red envelope in my hands. Yes, I have one as well and it contained my greatest secret. The mark I wished I never had.

"We can't act careless about this matter. The person who did this may have things still in his or her sleeves." , Jihyo said, "We can't do anything for now."

I bit my lip. If they don't do anything now, the enemy might strike them earlier.

"I have a question.", Sana raised her hand, "Why does Chaeyoung and Dahyun didn't received any letters like us? Isn't it suspicious that they are both gone at the moment? And Y/N received one too and she was on a vacation last week."

"Are you saying that Chaeyoung and Dahyun sent these?", Jihyo asked.

"I mean they are possibility-"

"Maybe, that's what the culprit wants us to believe.", I spoke, tapping harmoniously my fingers upon the table.
I leveled our gazes, "The culprit wants us to become suspicious to each other. To break the trust we build."

They became silent again, absorbing the possibility of my deduction. I bit my lower lip to suppress myself from laughing, I love messing up with their minds.

Nayeon, Jihyo, Sana, Momo and Mina, among all of you... Who will be the last man standing?

The meeting ended with a deafening silence. Everyone had their guards up. Their secrets were kept on a red envelope, symbolising the taint to their purity. 


Three knocks invaded my solitude. I got up, putting back the psychology book on the bedside table. I opened the door, revealing Jihyo. She was already on her pajamas like me. She smiled lightly, not showing her teeth.

"Can I come in?", she asked. I nodded, opening the entrance wider for her. She went inside my room, scanning every little detail like she was never been here before, "You didn't add anything. I didn't know that you're a minimalist."

"Not to be rude but why are you here?", I questioned, not wanting to beat around the bush anymore.

She looked at me, her cheeks reddened, combating the tint of her hair, "Uhmm... about the friendly date I set up with you last week. I-I want to talk about that."

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