Chapter 45

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[Timeline: Chapter 28]

"At last, you came.", Sana said when she noticed the blonde Japanese, stepping inside her room. Mina painted a confused look, "What was the regular doing in here?"

"None of your business.", Sana brushed off.

"Don't tell me you like her?", Mina broke a sarcastic cackled. Sana rolled her eyes, "There's nothing wrong if I do."

"You're so stupid. Liking a regular? Your standards are so low. Everything you do is so below average-"

"Watch your mouth."

Mina zipped her mouth,  yet she can't hide the disgust on her face. Sana inhaled, still holding her warning stance as she decided to speak, "The contents of your envelope is it-"

"Yes, it is connected to what happened years ago.", Mina finished. Sana nodded in recognition, her eyes still wavering with nervousness, "Mine too."

Mina was shocked, but she remained her neutral expression, "So what?"

"We're in great danger." Mina wanted to fought back, but she bit her tongue, remaining her silence while forming her plan. Sana noticed the silence of the latter, a frown immediately made way on her face, "Mitang are you listening?"

"Don't call me that.", Mina growled, "We're not friends."

Sana was hurt. Of course, she was. Mina was her first friend until she messed it all up.

"You won't betray me do you?", Sana asked hopefully. Mina didn't answer, her eyes were stoned, "I don't know. You should ask it to yourself since it was you who committed betrayal first."


[Timeline: Chapter 36]

Mina didn't know what came over to her when she decided to tell her secret to Y/N. It's been weeks  since she formed a bond with her and the girl unconsciously gained her trust. She shouldn't be doing this, she know, but there's something in Y/N that she can't comprehend . Something deep that's pulling her closer.

"I have a problem managing my emotions. My anger to be precise.", Mina narrated. She spared a glance to the girl who was giving her intense looks, too eager to listen to Mina's words, urging her to go ahead.

"I spent numerous years to perfect the craft of managing my emotions. From being neutral to completely shutting it off, yet sometimes I...I just can't help but to explode, that's why I beat you before. I-I know it's not right! But...but you just happened to be there and I poured all of my anger to you.", Mina spoke sheepishly as she continued, "I'm really sorry about that."

Y/N remained silent, but Mina saw the opposite emotion she expected on the girl's face. Y/N looked genuinely interested. She was listening intently on every word Mina had said with no hint of judgments.

When Mina said that Y/N really acted like a different person that time, she mean it.

But it made it easier for her to opened up.

"Do you think I'm capable of killing someone?", Mina asked.

"Yes.", Y/N immediately answered, "Everyone is capable to kill somebody, but I don't think you killed someone already Mina."

"I did. That's what in my envelope, Y/N. I killed someone.", Mina said, placing the envelope to the latter's lap, "But it's up to you, if you will still listen to the story of a murderer."



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