Chapter 7

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He snatched the paper out of my grasp and I saw the fear on his eyes. "Where did you get this?"

"You know where.", I replied. His hands were quivering in nervousness and sweats dampened his face.  He gulped and looked at the door while he came up with his alibi, "I was supposed to give this drawing after lunch by his orders but when I went to the rooftop, I saw him jumped and I was so terrified that I left my drawing in there."

"Is that all?"
"Make sure that's all Kyungsoo."


The school's cafeteria was not crowded every morning so it was a great advantage of mine. As far as I know, Suho had a territory table. It was like his fortress where he usually made fun of the regulars including Kyungsoo. If my deductions were right, I'm sure that the clues were still in here.

"Hi Ma'am, can I ask you something?", I said to the lady who was currently tidying up the tables.

"Yes, of course. What can I do for you?", she replied before setting aside her cleaning tools. She offered me to seat which I gladly accepted. "About Suho."

"What about him?"

She appeared to be nonchalant about the issue. I stared at her better. For a waitress, she was a beauty. My eyes went down on her nameplate viewing a "Hello! I'm Joohyun" sign. My thoughts travelled, possibilities flooded my head.

"Are you somehow related to him?" I saw how her jaw tightened to my question. She sighed, "He pursued me before, but I didn't entertained him."

"If it's fine, can you please elaborate?"

"He was that typical student who tried to hit on me. You know, teenagers nowadays. I thought it was just a simple crush but..."

Her breathing became rigid. She clutched her hand too tight on the desk. "He begun to stalk me and snoop on my house when I'm asleep. I thought it was just my feeling until one night he attempted to touch me."

"Why you didn't report this to the authorities?"
"His father is a governor. What can I do? They have the power to twist the truth."

Power. The word that can bend everything.  The word I love and despise the most. I licked my lip and hold her hand reassuringly, "I'm sorry about that."

"You doesn't need to. Anyways, he already died so I don't have to worry about him.", she replied.

"Be honest to me, Miss. Do you find Suho's death anguish?"

"To be honest? I find it as a relief."


"I know who and what killed Suho.", I reported. The Spades snapped their gazes on me. Jihyo gave me the look to go on and I proceed to explain.

"There are two people involved in this crime. The first one is Do Kyungsoo, and the other one is Bae Joohyun."

"Joohyun, the waitress?", Chaeyoung asked.

"Let me start the story first- While everyone was panicking on Suho's body, I went to the place of the crime without further a do."

"Really? Without informing us first?", Nayeon retorted. I smiled, "For me, I think to be a good detective, you should act fast and besides, I didn't do anything wrong or forbidden so far, Nayeon-ssi."

"So I was saying..." I continued to tell them the result of my investigation and when I finally ended, Jihyo stood up and gave me a proud look, "So what do you think we need to do?"

"So here's the plan..."

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