Chapter 37

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Friday. Nothing is worse than waking up, not knowing that you have an exam. Seriously why did no one told me about this test? The four walls of the classroom surrounded as like prisoners. Unlike before, The Spades appeared less crowded now.

No Momo.

No Chaeyoung.

No Dahyun.

The strange thing is, why does Dahyun doesn't come back until now? Three consecutive weeks yet no sign of her.

Apart from the population change of The Spades, the room was tenser and quieter. The cheerful Sana was morose, a disheartened expression on her face was visible. Nayeon and Jihyo were almost invisible-like after the envelopes were released. Everyone was a ticking time bomb, ready to explode at any time.

Mina and I had gotten closer. Not that I mind, I'm grateful that we have each other in this situation even though we were in a business kind of relationship. The riddle was circling on my mind for days now.

I have an answer. No, I have answers.

Is it a scale? A clock? A river?

What could it be? I am afraid to try my answers because I might blow something unintentionally if I chose the wrong one.

The holographic board was flashed brightly in front of our desks.

"They were 3 friends. One is secretive, the latter is smart and the last one is egotistic. One day they decided to go on a trip and went to a cliff to conduct sightseeing. After that trip, one of them went missing and the other two went home safe and sound. What truly happened to the missing friend? Who was the missing one among the 3 friends? Who are the 2 friends who went home safely? What is the connection of the remaining two to their friend's missing case?"

"How are we supposed to solve this? The problem is too vague.", I heard Mina muttered under her breath. She was right. The problem was completely nebulous, with no clue at all. Like the heavens heard her pleas, a new combination of letters popped out of the screen.

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Is this a clue?, I mentally stated. The room became deadly silent that you can hear your heartbeat. Nayeon, Mina, and Sana were scribbling on the provided sheet of paper on our table while Jihyo was staring at the window with no intention of answering the questions.

The time ticked and after 45 minutes, Nayeon finally deciphered the clue so she typed her answer on her hologram, and it popped up another clue for her to solve. Nayeon immediately went out and did whatever on her hologram was. Minutes later, Mina and Sana joined Nayeon to her hunt, rushing towards the door and left Jihyo and I in the room.

I was confused. Why was Jihyo seems uninterested? Maybe she didn't know the answer? but that's impossible! I stared at her for 30 minutes but she didn't show any signs of wanting to move on her position. I sighed, giving up my gaze towards the pink-haired girl.

I transcribed my answer on the hologram and it was correct, emerging a new set of clues.

"This is the home of all the knowledge. Search its corners and it will give you its wisdom."

I stand up from my seat and proceeded to the door when Jihyo called me.


"Yes?", and she gulped nervously, "Do you like Mina?"

I watched her dumbfoundedly, is this the reason why she stayed?

I fixed my posture, smiling faintly before responding, "Who wouldn't like Mina?" and then I reached for the doorknob, twisting the thing before going away, brewing her curiosity with my dubious reply.

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