Chapter 31

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The moon has a dark side. The other face that was keenly hidden from everybody. Voyaging towards the silent pathways of the Institute of Arcane, my feet brought me to the entrance of the Indoor Olympic Pool. My thoughts travelled, bringing me back to that day.

It was a stormy night. The road were slippery and dark. Everyone would never dare to stay up this late, yet I saw a figure of a woman on the edge of the railings of the bridge. I can't recognized her face and I didn't really care if she would kill herself.

It was her own decision after all. Humans have their freewill to do whatever they want,

But I didn't know what came to me when I followed her and jumped after her. My body hit the cold water while bubbles formed as I breathed. Thankfully, I can still see properly in the water due to the light from above. I swam and swam until I saw her. Her eyes were closed as the gravity slowly pulled her underneath.

I reached for her hands, tugging her upwards. I swam again, carrying her almost lifeless body to the nearby pavement. The storm was not any better as it became more angrier, its wind became more aggressive.

Luckily, I found a shed. I carried her body and lay it on the floor. I studied her better; her cheeks has a mark of abuse, small cuts were visible upon her cheekbones. Her shoulders has old and new purple bruises like she was purposely beaten for too long.

I felt a slight pity.

I left her for a moment to find a payphone. I'm sure that no one would touch her here since the weather was bad and there's no sane people who would go under the bridge in this heavy storm. One block away and I spotted a red payphone booth. I went inside and dialled quickly her numbers. It rung three times before she picked up.

: "Dongsaeng? I'm surprised that you called!"

"Unnie, I need your help.'

: "About what?"

"Just go to the shed under the nearest bridge from your school. I'll be waiting."

I didn't let her ask anymore questions as I hung up. I rushed back towards the shed and I found the girl still immobile. 30 minutes later,  Tae Ri arrived with umbrella on her hands. Her eyes widened when she saw my state but I shushed her and pointed the unconscious girl.

"Give her a shelter and new clothes. She's still alive as far as I know."
"But why won't you do it yourself?"

I glared at her, "Grandfather would not be please to have unwanted guests in the house."

"You're still kind, Y/N-nie.", she softened which I responded with a scoff, "I am not. Just get her a place tonight. I need to go back to the headquarters as soon as possible. I spent my time useless enough."

She didn't answer but she still had that admiration on her face. I'm not kind. I killed people. I didn't even remember how or how many.

She carried the girl on a fireman's carry. Her other arm wrapped around the girl while the latter hold the umbrella. I followed them to her car and when she already secured her position, she suddenly turned her head to me, "You know my offer is still available. Institute of Arcane is the only place that old man can't touch."

"That old man raised us. I can't turn my back to him."

She sadly nodded and went inside the car. I eyed her through the tinted windows. Tae Ri chose the life away from him and if I followed her footsteps, it was either me or her would be erased in this world and I can't let that happen.

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