Chapter 28

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"Cutie, wake up."

Breathtaking. That was the adjective made just for her. Am I hearing voices? I don't know. Maybe, I am. I reached for her cheeks, grazing her skin softly under my touch. I choked on air as I tried to keep my sobs.


"Why are you saying sorry?", she chuckled.

"Because I'm a mess. Believe me, I tried. I really tried to fix me."

"What are you saying? I don't understand."

Chaeyoung's face changed, her bambi dark brown eyes turned into ambers and I found myself nearly breaking down in front of Sana.

Shit, another episode.

I sat up, calming my heaving breaths. Sana put her hand on my back, rubbing it back and forth to soothe me.

"What happened to you Y/N?"
"Not important."
"Are you sure-"
"I said not important Sana! Can't you fucking understand that?!", I burst, swatting away her hands from me. I looked at her with shock, oh, no this can't be happening. Sana's eyes widened too but it immediately softened when she saw my frightened state. She attempted to reach for me but I moved away.

I made my way to the door. I can't be here. This is bad. But when I opened it, two piercing eyes shoot through me. Mina has her right arm raised, ready to knock. Her jaw slackened, eyes begun to filled with worry and fright. I have to talk to her,  but not now. Not in this state.

I passed through her, our shoulders barely touched from each other. In a swoosh, I found myself inside of my room. My throat constricted, memories I burrowed begun to hunt me. I hit my chest, heavily and repeatedly, hoping that it would ease the pain.

"Your sister did it to herself. You don't want to be next to Tae Ri don't you?"


"The only way for us to become untouchable is to control the government's highest gem, and you are the one who will do that."

No! Stop!

"You are no different to your grandfather, Y/N."

No, please...


"Why aren't you playing with them?", Tae Ri, my sister spoke. I shrugged, not interested to answer. As you can see, kids my age were bunch of morons. Little kids who thinks the world were revolving around toys and imagination.

I personally don't want to be associated with peabrains.

"You know you will have wrinkles just like grandfather if you keep frowning like that.", she teased, replicating the look on my face. I rolled my eyes yet the taunting curve on my lips remained.

"It will not hurt to smile."
"Yes, it will. Smiling is for losers."

She dramatically gasped, holding her hand over her chest, "So I am a loser? I am hurt Y/N-nie"

"Except for you unnie.", I replied shortly. She chuckled, ruffling my hair that I responded with a glare that made her pulled her hand, "Geez, you're so grumpy than me. I miss the smiley baby Y/N back then."

"I already grew up, unnie."
"You're only 8-"
"And you're 13. You should be more mature than me. You're acting like a whiny child."

She clamped her lips, but she opened it again when something caught her eye, "Look! Isn't it Chaeyoung? Your girlfriend back in kindergarten! Look!  She's so pretty! I remembered the times Mom and I watched you having your mini play date. You two are so cute."

I turned my head, seeing the young chubby cheeks brunette with a shy smile on her face. I didn't returned the gesture and let the resting bitch face rest on my face. Time changes and so am I. I am not into that childish things now.

"Go to her!", she encouraged.

"I don't want to.", I rejected. She tugged my arms closer but I resist. Clearly not pleased to face an old acquaintance.

"Stop bugging your sister, Tae Ri.", a cold authoritative voice said. I looked up, his face contort with no emotion  just like the usual, except for one thing. On his side walked a girl in my age. Her eyes were big and her ears were like from the character my sister and I watched before. On her grasp dangled a wooden doll with strings around it. Through out the day, my birthday actually, this is the only thing that piqued my interest.

"Tzuyu this is Y/N. Y/N this is Tzuyu. Accompany her, she bring you a gift.", he commanded. The girl gave me the Marrionete in her hands. Her eyes curiously scrutinized me, "Can she be my toy?"

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