Chapter 4

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Students that was based on Arcane was diligently raised.  They ought to be the finest and respected human being when they graduated the academy.  They were born to serve the government. To correct the wrongdoers.

But as what I said, some of those royals are rotten.

I looked at the letters carved on the mahogany door. Gold in color which clearly indicated their rank. Such prominent name that every student in the campus wanted to have, to be the member of The Spades. If Royals were already the smartest ones, this people were geniuses.

They were the chosen ones. The one who have interacted with government daily. The leaders who rule this campus. My hand formed into a fist and knocked the door three times. A muffled voice of come in served as my cue to go inside.

Eyes immediately gazed at me. It was almost uncomfortable but I stand my ground. In here swivel chair, I stared to Jihyo, her expression was shock at first but it quickly turned to a relief.

"I would love to accept your offer, Jihyo-ssi."

She smiled and gave me an approving look, "Well then, welcome to the club Y/N."

"What the hell?!", a voice exclaimed, "What's the meaning of this, Jihyo?"

Im Nayeon, has a photographic memory , a member of Spades, was clearly not happy to have me in their team. She glared at me with annoyance, but it didn't really matter, for she doesn't have a choice.

"I recruited Y/N. Is there any problem?"
"B-but she's a regular!"
"We don't have a rule that forbids regular to join us, do we?"

"Enough! I don't know why are you so bothered to have her in the club. I saw her potential myself.", Jihyo shut the conversation immediately. Nayeon wanted to retort but she clamped her lips and nodded to their leader's words. That's right, you are good at keeping your mouth shut after all.

"Is there anyone who objects to have Y/N in The Spades?" A blonde girl raised her hand. Based on her features, she might be a foreigner.

"What is it, Mina?"
"Forgive me, for I side Nayeon in this case. A regular in our team might create ruckus in the campus. Because regulars are quite incompetent and I must say, low class."

Her eyes on me were like spikes of ice piercing through my flesh. I shivered at the thought, of course the perfect Myoui Mina would never want a commoner in their team.

"I don't really see the problem of having her.", I unconsciously bit my lower lip. The voice I knew too well despite of not so numerous encounters we have. If my memory was right, the last time I saw her were months ago and that was because the coach needed her help in our Physical Education.

"I think it's nice to break the stereotype in the campus. Having a regular in The Spades itself will be a good start. Don't you think?", Son Chaeyoung, professional in boxing at her very young age, and has the mind that can know any culprit's next moves said.

"What if we gave her a test? To test her ability? Jihyo said that she saw it herself. Maybe we can decide her fate if all of us can see it too.", Kim Dahyun, the most friendly among The Spades and can spot anything suspicious in a little span of time, suggested. The two that didn't leave a comment just nodded their heads. They supported the idea of their friend and think that it was a great way to settle the argument.

If I am right, they were Minatozaki Sana and Hirai Momo also known as the Dangerous Duo. They are the gun and the blade of the club. Momo being an expert in any kind of guns while Sana that can slashed everything on her sight if she wants to.

"So it settled then, we will test her compatibility but before anything else,  are you fine with this Y/N?", Jihyo asked.

"Of course, I will take any challenge you will give."

And that was how everything started.

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