Chapter 25

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My body feels numb. I glanced towards the marble, tracing the letters using my vision. I didn't noticed the tears gliding down my cheeks as the whole incident dawned on me.

"Y/N!", the voice called. Her brown shoulder length hair was tousled messily by the wind. Her baby like face was filled with worry. She rushed to my side, kissing the tear away. She cupped my cheeks, her eyes held too much emotion. A thing despite of the numerous things I do was still remained a mystery to me.

"She's gone. Tae Ri unnie left me too.", I croaked. For the first time in years I felt an intense emotion. Unfortunately, it was not worth to remember. Sorrow crept in my veins, filling my heart with disdain.

She pulled me closer, embracing the fragility. I cried on the crook of her neck while she whispered words of reassurance and a promise that she will take away me from the devil's grasps.

"Chaechae is here. She won't leave you.", she muttered the old nickname I gave back when we were younger. Back when everything was as not as complicated like this.

"You won't?"
"I won't."

I don't know what was got onto me when I pulled her and leveled our lips, closing the gap between us. I kissed her desperately to find the comfort I was thriving for. She kissed back with the same need, yet there's something different with the way she kisses me. Her kisses were adoring and passionate, completely different from mines. We parted and she put our foreheads together, whispering the words that I can't never reciprocate back.

"I'm inlove with you, Y/N."

"I'm inlove with you, Y/N.", she cried. Her knees sunken deeper on the bed. I slapped Chaeyoung. I slapped her with anger and disappointment. I can't believe this is the girl who told me she loves me years ago.

"I love you so much and I can't- I can't  let you marry anyone who is not me!", she sobbed, "I did everything for you!"

"- You told me that you can't love me back until you get your revenge and I accepted that! You told me to go to Institute of Arcane and be your eye and I did it without further questions! And I know that if you ever wish for a moon, I will do everything to give it to you!"

My heart ached. She was so devastated. That's why I'm not a fan of romance. Romance is toxic. Romance is destructive. A feeling that ticklish yet prickling. A beautiful rose with thorns. The storm before the rainbow.

I know it would be a lot harder for her if I don't cut our connection once and for all. I should have done it sooner but I'm too busy building my own empire. I care for Chaeyoung, I really do. She was one of the people who stayed with me. She was almost my puppy love, my first infatuation,

But priorities always comes first... and she's not even in the list of my priorities.

"It's not my fault that you are blindly in love with me, Chaeyoung.", I snark back. She was stunned by my words.  Her already broken heart became wrecked because of me.

"It's not my burden that you did everything for me, your own foolishness did it to you. You know me Chaechae. I'm not compatible with romance. I'm not raised to love." My voiced laced with venom and the poison quickly spreading in her cerebrum.

She looked at me with hatred. The love was still there yet the hate weighs more, "You're no different to your grandfather."

I sneered, "I know. I'm Choi Siwon's granddaughter, his blood is still on my veins no matter how I despise it."

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