Chapter 14

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Once upon a time, I feared the darkness. The black void that contained strange and peculiar things, ready to swallow you whole. I feared how it makes the surrounding more spine shivering, more mysterious, more with not assurance.

"If you ever find yourself fearing the darkness, always remember that there's a light within you, and that light will protect you from any kinds of darkness you will encounter."

As a kid I used to live with that. I used to believe every word she says. She was my patron. The only reason why I didn't give up my god forsaken life. I adored her more than anyone else.

Yet, she lied to me.

The light can't protect me from darkness, because it didn't protect her too.

I clearly remembered how her blood painted the white floor, her limbs dislocated, and her eyes portrayed the look of terror. All because she let the light decided her fate. So as I grew up, I trained myself with the darkness. I tamed my fear so I wouldn't end up like her. I became one of its sacred relic. One of its top dog.

My vision were fuzzy, yet It didn't matter because I was surrounded with darkness, with hands tied up on my back. Alone in the middle of an abandon gym of one of the old buildings of IOA. The moonlight crept on the floor and highlighted the persons in front of me, marionette like mask covered their faces.

"What do you want?", I croaked, my throat dried. They didn't answer instead they gave way to a lady like figure who I didn't noticed at first for she blended perfectly in the shadows. She wears a different mask from them, a phantom's mask.

She motioned the two marionettes to leave which they obliged without further a do. She sauntered to my direction, an amused smirk decorated her lips.

"Nice to meet you, Y/N."

Her voice has that power to make everyone cower under her feet. Her eyes glimmered with so much mischief. She... she reminded me of myself.

"It's all surreal that finally, after a year of watching you from the shadows, I manage to get to you this close.", she said, and continued, "After the long wait, your grandfather gave me the permission to meet you and hold you."

"Did he also permitted you to abduct me? And hold me against my will?", I responded sarcastically.

"I'm a sucker for dramatic entrances, my apologies. But it doesn't matter now.", she held my chin to leveled our gazes, "The only thing that matters is that you, my play toy, is now with me. "

"Pfft...", I laughed in sardonicism. That old man and his humour, sending me a sick bastard to deal with. "I beg your pardon? I'm not anyone's play toy."

"Your grandfather is right. You're really stubborn.", she straightened her posture. She took of her mask while the moonlight melodramatically spotlighted her face. I swallowed thickly, back in my mind I know I already saw her somewhere.

"Does my face ring a bell?", she smiled sweetly.

"You were the kid 10 years ago. The one who gave me the puppet." Now, it made sense that she used that riddle.

"Aww, you remembered how cute!", she teased. I scoffed, "I don't have time to have bitchy banter with you. What do you want from me?"

"Getting impatient are we? Okay then, let me introduce myself first. Hi, I'm Chou Tzuyu of CHOU Toy Industries and I'm here to propose...", she smirked and leaned closer, "to you, my fiancee."

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