Chapter 33

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She looked at me with rage. The veins on her hands became visible as she gripped harder the gun. I tilted my head at the side, my facade presented on my face. Momo brought me to an abandoned warehouse after she threatened me earlier. I didn't expect that she would somehow see through the cracks of my plan.

But it doesn't matter. She's not a student of IOA anymore.

"All of this happened when you came.", she accused. I wanted to laugh. Is it my fault?

"What are you implying? That I'm the bad luck to the  club?", I mocked. She gritted her teeth, her jaw clenched in fury.

"I knew it from the start that something's wrong with you. Aside from the fact that you resembled her in some ways...", she whispered the last part but It was no use because I still heard it.

She lowered her gun and strapped it back. She leveled our faces, "Why are you doing these? Why Y/N? Why are you ruining The Spades?"

"What makes you think that I am ruining The Spades?", I asked with faux innocence. 

"Then what are you doing? You know it yourself that I was kicked out because of you."


She gazed at me unbelievably. She didn't expect that I would answer that why did she?  Tae Ri is a saint. I am no saint. Not with these kinds of people.

"You-", I cut her off. "Ruining The Spades? Look who's talking. After you sent those envelopes, containing the downfall of your members then it's still me who received your blame? Do you think it's a bit of a hypocrite of you?"

She was stunned. Yes, it was her who sent those envelope. Unbelievable isn't it?

"I didn't. I received one.", she replied calmly when she regained her composure.

"Yes, you did. Have you ever heard the tactic of killing yourself first so no one will suspect you as the mastermind?  You know that if you happened to drown that time, Jihyo would received the blame. She is our club leader after all. Death is a major offense and it's her responsibility to keep the harmony in and outside the club. In short, Jihyo would go down with you. So is it me who's ruining the club? or  it's you?"




Who would had thought that kind of emotions are presented in this club?

Momo laughed sardonically. She finally lose her screws huh?

"It's no use to hide my intentions since you already deciphered all of it. Yes, I hate Jihyo. I hate her with all of my guts. I hate The Spades. I hate that fucking club who took the only person I have!"

"-Did you ever feel so useless in your life? That you can't do anything because your wrists are bound to chains? Did you ever thought that you finally found your happiness and then it suddenly slipped away?"

She choked back her sobs and I am there, completely dumbfounded.

"Jihyo got everything and I never called her out for that but when she decided to lose her just for the club, I can't fucking stand it!", she continued, "She's the only one who understands me the most... And I can't accept that she just suddenly disappeared like that. "

I opened my mouth to said something, that I wish I didn't because it made my situation more uptight.

"Tae Ri didn't disappear to ruin yourself like that."

Sometimes I just want to strangle myself...

"What did you just said?", her eyes squinted, "How did you know Tae Ri?"

"It's none of your concern-"
"Who the fuck are you?!"

Her voice boomed as I mentally scolded myself. Oh well, guess I have no choice... But before I almost revealed my relationship with Tae Ri, Momo fell unconscious on my feet.

"A thank you would be enough.", she winked.

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