Chapter 19

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Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock. The clock almost lulled me to sleep. My eyes were heavy as tiredness slowly dawned upon my body. The past few days were a pure struggle. The club's schedule were tight due to the higher up's orders. We were sent to different crime scenes, helping the bureau at our very extent.

It is so exhausting to be good.

A sound of a glass placed on the table interrupted my lids from closing. I heightened up, straitening my slacked back. Joohyun laughed, giggling about my not so good state.

"I don't know that you can get tired.", she mocked. My eyes pirouetted, "Of course, I can."

She motioned me to drink the liquid on the cup she prepared. I casted a look of surmise to her but she leveled up her hands defensively, "It's safe to drink, I swear!"

I gave up my suspicion and hold the cup closer to my lips, sipping the hot tea in it. I sighed delightfully as the liquid's warmth gushed down on my throat.

"That tea is good to circulate your blood and to relieve stress.", she reported proudly. I raised my brow amusingly, "So you learned something new in that herbal class huh?" I said pertaining to the class I asked her to take. It's not really a "class" but group of medicine students and scientists working under me. Joohyun already know who I am but not entirely. Just a brief part of who truly I am.

"I'm still shook that you have that kind of facility."
"Expect the unexpected, Joohyun."

Our conversation ended for a short time because of the sudden costumer who entered the cafeteria that she needed to attend to. I continued the enjoy the tea while studying the interiors of the place to entertain myself. Joohyun came back, a disturbed expression flickered on her.

My brows furrowed in a confuse way, "What?"

She nibbled her lower lip before continuing her sentence, "I just remembered something and... and it's something about you b-but promise me you'll never get mad! I want to be honest to you and at the same time I'm curios so... why Y/N? Why did you have the files of every member of The Spades in your office?"


They say that ignorance is a bliss, and I agree and differ with it.

Curiosity can kill the cat but curiosity can satisfy the hunger of knowledge at the same time.

Both win-win and both lose-lose.

Sometimes, it's better to not to know than to involve yourself into an unknown scenario. A never ending fall with no assurance.

A cheshire grin spread across my lips when I heard her question.

"Do you really want to know?"

She shivered, her body subtly reacted to my warning. She was afraid but she had lots of questions in her mind. What would she choose? I don't know but every action has a consequence. Every answer might hurt and scarred your mind, planting insanity inside you.

"I don't know."

An open ended answer to a non assuring question. The complete opposite of what I am witnessing right now.

In a dark alley far from everyone, two figures was having a one to one talk with each other. One of them has her face faced sideways as she was slapped by the older woman in front of her. Few tears pooled her eyes but she didn't let them fall. She regained her balance and looked down, a strange sight for me to see.

"I'm disappointed. You're graduating yet your rank didn't leveled up! A second placer?! No one in our family is a second placer. All of us are aces, the leaders."

"I'm sorry, mother.", the girl replied, "Jihyo is a tough competitor and she studied here longer than I-"

"Nonsense! We homeschooled you before to become more advance than the others yet you failed us! You're nothing but a disappointment!", the lady cut off. The girl clenched her fist, taking all the blame of her mother.

"My apologies. I will do better next time."

"Next time? There's no next time! You're a shame to this fami-"

"That's enough, Mrs. Myoui.", I said, stepping out of my hiding place.


Sorry if I can't upload the chapters frequently. Our wifi is currently acting like a bitch soooo  ✌


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