Chapter 46

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The Minatozaki Estate stood proud on the middle of the vast fields. Young Myoui Mina can't help but to gasped at the vagueness of the manor, knowing that this is now her new home.

All dressed nicely, her family went down from the limousine the Minatozaki's sent. A butler ushered them inside, guiding them inside the mansion's walls. Mina's eyes shone in delight, if the outside was majestic then the inside is utterly breath taking.

Mina heard footsteps from the grand staircase. The newcomer was dressed luxuriously, from her golden bobby pins down to her obviously heavy priced heels.

Mina knew that the girl in front of her is a part of the royal family.

"Hi.", the girl squeaked, her hands reached out for her to shake. Mina didn't reciprocated the action instead she bowed, rejecting the little girl's hands.

" You don't have to-"

"Let her Sana. That is the right courteous. You should learn from her.", a stone cold voice pinpointed. Minatozaki Yuzuru, with his formal vest and nice form,  plus the way he moves with so much elegance would made you think that he's not some ordinary guy in this mansion

"Nice to meet you Mina. I'm Minatozaki Yuzuru, the head of this house and this...", he said, pulling the other girl closer, " is Minatozaki Sana, my daughter. You will serve her from now on."

Mina nodded in acknowledgement, hiding her bewilderment and excitement.

"I would really love to tour you around the house but I have some important matters to do. You can call the butler for help, I gave him the keys of your room. The kitchen is right there, just go straight ahead if you're hungry.", the emperor said, "By the way Mina, you should ask Sana about her schedules. You will be with her 24/7 so I assume that you will memorize all of it before the day ended since I know that you're a smart kid."

As soon as the emperor leaved, Young Minatozaki Sana rushed towards Mina, shocking the latter at how hyperactive she is.

"Hi Mina! Nice to meet you!", Sana beamed. Mina smiled awkwardly, " Nice to meet you too, Your Majesty."

"Oh come on! Just call me by my name!"
"I don't think your father would be please if I do."

Mina gave up and just went with the girl's bidding, "Alright. Only if your father is not around."


"Mitang!", a voice called the maiden silently resting on her bed with a book on her lap. Mina snapped her head to the voice's direction and she saw her master, her friend in fact, Minatozaki Sana rushing towards her with a panic stricken face.

"What are you doing in this late hour Satang?", Mina  asked, sighing vividly because of the idea that Sana had done something ridiculous again that she needs to cover up.

"I...", Sana hesitated. Mina didn't noticed the fear on the other's eye as she absentmindedly rolled her eyes, " Spill it, Sana."

"I did something bad.", Sana revealed.

"Am I supposed to be surprised with that?", Mina playfully stated to ease the tense atmosphere, yet it didn't change the horror on the latter's face. Mina furrowed her brows, what could Sana did this time to make her this frightened?

Mina get up from her bed, approaching her friend in a suspicious manner, " What did you do Sana?"


I want to speed up the story's progress since we're still far from the main event but school is really keeping me busy nowadays. My apologies for the late updates.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 24, 2020 ⏰

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