Chapter 3

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Being a regular was like being the rock surrounded by diamonds.

Institute of Arcane is prestigious that's why the ranking system here is very tight. Upper class men are the ones who passed the  entrance exam in flying colors. They are the smartest in this university. They are the reason why this school was founded in the first place. Government has funds for them to spend, lasciviously or not. They don't care as long as they do not do something against the law. They are the pride and honour. The cream among the crop.

Out of this "royalties", there are this regulars. They are smart but not enough to reach the high rank of the hierarchy. They are the ones who miraculously passed yet their scores are not that promising either. 30% of this university are consisted of the regulars and I am one of them.

However, Institute of Arcane's special students were not as special as they seems. Some of them are just undeniably... a trash.

"Do you think you're higher than me? Remember your place stupid regular!", the most arrogant and hated upper class man of all time, Suho, shouted. He has insanely good looks and a mind that can analyze littlest details of a crime, but his morals? Never mind.

Kyungsoo gritted his teeth but he didn't talked back to him. He was humiliated, in front of his dorm door, only in sleepwear and nothing all yet he remained silent.
After all, there was this unspoken rule between the regulars and royals,

They are superiors while we are trash with no right to talk back.

What a shame.

"I'm sorry. I will finish it later-"
"Later? Ha! You know my time is not to waste right?"
"Then why don't you do it instead?"

Murmurs broke around the halls. The only person who had the guts to talked back to those rotten royals stepped forward. She tilted her head and mocked the boy more. "Since you're so adamant and your time is not to be wasted."

Suho send death glares to the latter yet it didn't shake her, instead a look of satisfaction crossed her face when she saw the pissed expression of the boy.

"Don't give me that look, boy. I can break your nose as well as your mini me in your pants. You don't want to be infertile, do you?" The girl chuckled, almost devilishly.

In pure defeat, Suho left the place after he gave Kyungsoo a warning. The regulars hooted at the scene, their prominent savior, Yoo Jeongyeon, a black belter in Taekwando, made the arrogant royal cower again. She was the complete opposite of many regulars. She was never afraid of them. A true born leader and I adore her for that, but not in the way she adored me.

Our gazes met and she immediately smiled. I will lie if I say that it didn't made my heart flutter because it did. She was a beauty and a handsome in one. No one can ever resist her charms.

"Hi, good morning.", she approached.
"Good morning to you too, Jeongyeon."

She blushed and scratched her nape. The movement she always do whenever she's nervous. " about yesterday... Do you already have an answer?"

I pursed my lips. Of course, she will ask about that. Before I went to our dorm after my small talk with Jihyo.  I coincidentally bumped into Jeongyeon and well... she confessed. She looked jumpy at first but she managed to say her words without stuttering. To be honest, I don't know how did I attract her.

Despite of her sincerity which I really appreciated. I can't be with her. Why? Let's just say, romance is not really my thing.

"I'm afraid, I'm not the one for you, Jeong."

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