Chapter 23

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Blinding lights, flamboyant jewelry. Face with make up to show the industry.

My reflection stared at me. Tonight, I'm Y/N, the granddaughter of the founder of one of the most successful conglomerate in the world.

I hate it. I hate how my features clearly resembled that devil. I purposely style my hair in a curly style whenever I'm going to school to make a slight difference but tonight they did me dirty.  They straightened my hair, slick and slack like that old man wants.

Now, I'm the exact feminine carbon copy of him.

"You look stunning my dear.", the stylist complimented. I smiled...forcefully but enough to make her believe. Old man is handsome and I can't deny that, but I don't want his ruthless visuals. I want my mother's. The soft and warm, the honey glazed skin, or my father's, the kind and gentle, soft eyes comparable to angels.

My sister had some of their features, but me? I have none. My face was heavily sculpted from my grandfather's. From his unforgiving eyes and harshly tightened jaw. I got it all.

Knock! Knock! The door opened, revealing my partner. The stylist excused herself and left us together. I stared at her, Her hair were also nice and kept. Her dress were like mine but with a different color, I wore white while the latter wore black. My eyes travelled to her perfect collar bones, those were deep and proud. And her waist, her waist made every woman jealous.

"Am I deluding things or you're checking me out?", she said with a hint of tease. I averted my gaze, embarrassed because it's true, but I will never admit that.

"Stop praising yourself."

She chuckled and went closer. Her fingertips brushed on my shoulders while I shivered. The atmosphere got heavier as she placed her arms on the chair I am sitting on, cornering me inside.

"But me? I am checking you out.", she whispered lowly.

I felt my throat constricted. Tzuyu knows she's attractive and she use her charms very well. I might fainted on the spot if there was no voice from outside that didn't broke the tension between us.

"Ms. Chou and Ms. Choi, Mr. Choi is asking you to join him on stage.", he said. I pushed Tzuyu away and readied myself, I can't face him like this. The woman giggled and muttered something incoherent under her breath.

I went out first but Tzuyu insisted that it would be nice if we walk side to side because my grandfather would be pleased to see us on that kind of position. I didn't complain and just go with the flow. As If I really have a choice.

My whole mood dropped when I saw the face of the man I despise the most. His expression was stoic, yet her eyes glimmered in amusement when he saw Tzuyu's hand on my waist, knowing that he once again made me obey his commands. My teeth gritted, one day I'll be your greatest downfall. Tzuyu and I settled on the seat that were designated for us.

"Before anything else, I would like to thank all of my confidants who attend this wonderful day...", he started which were followed by the thunderous claps of the guests, "I'm very glad that you're here especially that I have a very special announcement for us to celebrate..."

I didn't paid attention to his words. My eyes travelled among the crowd, searching for the face I've known for years. Shit, where are you?

"Please come forward my lovelies." My concentration snapped when the devil asked us to step forward. I hissed, frustrated by the disturbance.

"Standing here is the heiress of Chou Industries, Chou Tzuyu and my very own granddaughter, Choi Y/N. And I'm joyous to announce that..."

A literal drum roll made the atmosphere more thrilling. I sweat bullets as I still can't find her. This is bad. Luckily, I found Lisa on the crowd, she shook her head worriedly and pointed to her direction. I gulped, she looks furious. She knows what was about to happen.

"A new connection will happen, for my granddaughter and Tzuyu is now officially engaged! And their wedding will come as soon as my dearest finally finished her useless ventures." he joked, making the people laugh but definitely not me and the girl who gazed at me dangerously. She smirked with no humor while Lisa's late words echoed in my memory.

She ended the call. I pursed my lips, thinking about what she said. "But what about her? You know she will go gaga if she finds out."

Everyone stands up to congratulate us, but Son Chaeyoung didn't. She walked away, with a sinister smile on her face and madness in her eyes.


If you're wondering what Tzuyu looks like in this chapter, check out the multimedia box on the top.

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