Chapter 26

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Tall buildings and enormous establishments were the usual view at the top most office. This building has more than 100 floors and I'm quite glad that my personal office was at its peak, making its atmosphere more domineering. 

My necktie hang loosely while the top three buttons of my sleeves were popped open. The files are on my palms and a chocolate milk on my desk to make my mood more uproar. Chocolate and strawberries were the best things in the world.

The door of my office burst open. I raised my eyebrow to the newcomer, asking what's the meaning of her sudden intrusion. She crisscross her arms matching my stance.

"What is it Manoban?", I asked.

"Are you really not going to tell me what happened?" My eyes pirouetted, she's not going to drop it, is she?

"No,  I'm not so go away."
"Go away? Go away Y/N?! I saw Chaeyoung running with tears streaming down her cheeks! And she's missing for 2 days! The  least you can do is tell me because I hate being clueless of what's going on with my friends!"

"We are not friends, Lisa. We are acquaintances and acquaintances don't share personal drama with each other-" I didn't finish my words when the girl punched me in the gut. I stumbled on my seat, the files on my hand clattered from my grasps. The blood from my lips dripped on the floor and I can't help but to whimpered at the jolt of pain my body received.

"You fucker... I thought you will be a better person when you're not working for your grandfather, but you are not. Chaeyoung and I stayed for you because we care about you but you treated as what? Your motherfucking servants? Persons you will boss around? We are not your employees, Y/N. I don't want to brag but if not for us you are not in your position right now. You are still out there assassinating every single person your grandfather ordered you to. Maybe we are not your equals but it doesn't mean that we are any lower to you. Get that in your fucking mind, Y/N."

My jaw clenched absorbing every words she said. She stormed out, her footsteps getting farther from my position and was changed into lighter ones. Another footstep barged in and it ran to me.

"Y/N!", Joohyun called. "You're bleeding!"

"-I'll treat your wounds."
"No, I am fine with my own just...", I breathed shakily, "just give me my chocolate drink and you can leave."


BANG! BANG! BANG! Each bullet hit the key points, head, neck and chest. I reloaded my gun, pointing it out to the cardboard shaped human and fired shots to its head. It's been a while since I handled a gun. For the past 360 days, I spent my time studying rather than holding any weapon that reminded me of my past. It's some sort of stress reliever for me.

I fired again until the hole on the head got bigger and enough for my hand to get through in. I felt a faint presence on my back. I loaded my gun casually before turning around and pointed it to the culprit's face. The culprit smirked and lead the muzzle on the center of her forehead.

"What are you doing here?"

"What? can't I visit my future wife?", Tzuyu  asked. I glared at her before I put down my gun.

"Speaking of that, I think we need to cancel our engagement. I can't do this.", I stated. This is the least thing I can do for her.

Tzuyu  laughed, "You can't? Why? Do you have an important reason? An important person? Oh! A lover perhaps?"

"I have none.", I growled. She grinned but it immediately falls in a sickening smile. She gripped my jaw, "Son Chaeyoung is her name, right? You have an affair with one of The Spades. The club that you wanted to fall in your hands without receiving the spotlight. The club that you will use so you become untouchable. I also heard that two of them was affiliated to your late sister, Choi  Tae  Ri."

I pushed her away but she remained smiling with mischief. How did she know all of that?  I became too busy with The Spades and I forgot to know Tzuyu more.

"You might know everything about The Spades but you don't know me, Y/N.", she grimly spoken. She leaned closer and licked the shell of my ear while she hoarsely muttered, "Don't worry our engagement is a only a business, but I would like to remind you that I don't share my toys with everyone and so as you."


Sorry  for the late update! I've been busy voting for each of my faves in mwave, idol champ, mubeat  and etc. the fucking struggle  of being a multifandom. 😃

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