Chapter 22

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Don't let your emotions rule you.

I was an empath.  I was full of feelings, of colors, shades of yellow and blue.

But it all change when the reality snatched my childhood. My preciousness. The serotonin of my life. At first it was hard. I had to rebel, fighting back with all of my might to claim back me.

As what I used to say before, You need to redeem yourself because no one will do it for you.

I thought that was easy but life is a bullshit, and it keeps bullshitting you even more.

My face hurts like hell. I whimpered when I unconsciously scratched the itch on my cheekbone which is currently damage, thanks to Mina. The Spades fired questions when they saw my face but I successfully avoided them, telling that I don't want to talk about it plus some little acting skills. It's not that hard.

And oh, Nayeon keeps ignoring me, while Mina went back to her homeland to have a vacation exactly the night she beat me up.

Not surprising, but I think I broke Nayeon's heart.

No, I don't really care that much. Yes, I'm an asshole, I know. But I'm afraid it might cause complications one day.

I went inside the club room, and I saw Jihyo, the ever beautiful Park Jihyo. Jihyo had her eyes on the files, searching seriously while dotting on her notepad. She looks hot, I unconsciously admired. I knocked the door to get her attention.

"How many times do I have to tell you that I don't want to be bothered when I'm busy?", she said, exceeding with authority, not taking off her eyes from the files.

"I'm sorry.", I squeaked. Jihyo leveled up her head and she saw me. She softened, "Oh... Y/N, I thought it's somebody else. Please come take a sit."

I obliged and sat on the chair in front of her desk which made me facing her. I felt my cheeks heated up when I saw her gazing amusingly. Oh good lord, Jihyo and the way she made me feel things.

"What is the reason why you're here Y/N?", she asked.

"I'm going to leave next week and I might be 3 to 4 days gone. I'm not really sure."

I'm just going to my engagement party, I mentally answered. Jihyo stared and waited for my answer, her eyebrow raised questionably. I cleared my throat, getting into my theater prodigy acting skills, "Some family affairs that I need to attend."

"Really? It must be really important then."
"Yes it is." No,  not really. I would rather be on my room, binge watching my favorite series or reading my book than attending that lascivious cruise party with nothing but rotten individuals.

"Okay then if that's really important then I will let you.", she smiled. I returned back the gesture and bowed to bid my goodbye and my sign of respect as well, but before I got to twist the doorknob, Jihyo called my name.

"Yes, Jihyo-ssi?" I saw her cringed at the honorifics.
"Drop the Jihyo-ssi. You can call me Jihyo or maybe, Jisoo... I would like the latter more but it's up to you.", she stated while scratching her nape.

I giggled, "Okay, Jisoo, what is the thing you wanted to tell me?"

Her cheeks blossomed maroon before dropping the bomb, "Would you like to go on a date with me after you finish your affairs with your family? D-don't worry i-it's a friendly one! A friendly date!"

A friendly date? Well...

"Sure, Jisoo. I would like to date you." I beamed and teased her even more.


"Aren't those too flashy?", I said, pointing towards the limousine this favorite jerk of mine, brought.

The jerk sneer and tap the roof of the car, "What are you saying? It's just a toy to me."

I rolled my eyes, "Everything is a toy to you."

"Aww, my wife really knows me huh? I'm blushing!", Tzuyu fake cooed. Yes, it's Chou Tzuyu. The puppeteer bitch.

"Based on the way your eyes stare at me, I'm literally hearing you calling me a bitch in the back of your mind.", she laughed, the dimple on her cheek showing, slightly making her appearance more child like.

But don't be deceive. She's not so cute as you think she is.

"I'm glad you know.", I smiled sweetly.

"That's why I have a major crush on you. You're so sweet and very, very honest.", she replied with sarcasm. I chuckled, "Aww, thank you wifey. You're so cute and sweet too." I bantered back with the same snark level.

Before our "sweet argument" gets a little too heated, she aided me inside the limousine like the gentlewoman she is, that's what she said. The sunrise was only cracking when we left the Institute of Arcane. I yawned, feeling my eye lids closing on its own. I reclined to my seat to make my position more comfortable. At that time I didn't mind the lingering gazes of the girl beside me as I let myself fell into a deep slumber.

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