Chapter 12

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All of this is exciting me.

Two consecutive weeks of being a Spade and I already received lots of empty death threats from one of the rotten royals. It was thrilling to know that predators were just lurking through the shadows and ready to attack me at any moment.

"Who is she?", I asked the girl beside me. Sana squinted her eyes and gaze towards the direction I am staring at, "She? She's Jennie Kim. Dahyun's older sister."

"I didn't know she has a sister."

I eyed the brunette through the glass window. The difference between her and Dahyun were noticeable. She has the air of being affluent and unreachable while Dahyun is more soft and benign. A raging sea and a calm lake. Two opposing poles. I don't know if it was just my imagination but I saw her glancing back to me.

"What is she doing here?"
"Maybe, she's waiting for her sister."

I pursed my lips and continued to gaze upon the stranger.

"I'm getting jealous, Y/N-chan."

I turned my head to Sana who had a pout on her face, "Are you interested with her?"

Eh? I laughed, "I'm just surprised that she is her sister."

"Your body language tells the opposite", Mina suddenly butted in. I held my chest in shock, I forgot that she was also here. As you can see, we were on one of the special class prepared for only members of The Spades. We were contained into a glass room, fully monitored by the cameras. When we got here, there are readied problems on the digital table assigned to us. A large clock on top of the board in front served as our timer. I am the last one who finished the test but I still think I am faster than usual though. By the way we are divided into two groups. The first group was on another room and they were consisted of: Nayeon, Jihyo, Dahyun and Momo which leave us four to be in one team( Sana, Mina, Chaeyoung and me)

"What makes you say that?", I asked.
"You are easy to read." I sneer, easy to read? I don't think so, Myoui Mina.

"Okay, maybe I'm a little curious about her hehe.", I shyly scratched my nape. Sana playfully hit my arm, "I am hurt Y/N-chan."

After fifteen minutes, we finally exited the room. My eyes unconsciously stared towards the figures of the sisters at the corner and it bothered my mind,

Why does Dahyun looks uncomfortable with Jennie around?


I am back to my bedroom and was almost asleep when my phone vibrated and a message from an unknown number popped up. I shrugged it off, as usual I expected it to be a death threat. But the phone continued to buzzed.


"Hello? Who is this?", I said. The other line didn't answer.

"If you're not going to answer I will end it."


Okay, I'm done with this-

"Angel of Death listen carefully to my riddle,
I am pulling the strings,
And moving the limbs.
I am comparable to god,
And living behind the scenes.
Who am I?"

My whole body tensed. The voice was obviously filtered and fake to become unrecognizable. Angel of Death. No way, this is-

"What the hell does that mean?", I growled.

"It's for me to keep and for you to find out, my love."

Toot! Toot! Toot!

I tried to call the number again but it say that it cannot be reached. I slammed the material in frustration.  I'm sure that this is a riddle from one of his people and I clearly don't like anything of it.

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