Chapter 15

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"Y/N... how?"

I stride away, completely ignoring the girl. Her footsteps were heavy and her breathing was unstable. She aimed for my wrist but I swat her hand and took her by the neck. I pinned her to the nearest alley, my facade completely stripped as I hovered angrily.

"Let me explain-"
"Yeah, you have a lot to explain to me Dahyun."

Dahyun, the person who hand me over to that twisted bastard. I thought you were different from them.

"I did that because I have no choice.", her voice brittle as she explained her side. "I have no choice, Y/N. They have me by the neck."

She breathed shakily, her pained eyes stared unto mines, "I swear, I don't want to do those things, Y/N. I want to break free from them but I can't. They will do something bad to my sister."

Them? But her sister looks perfectly fine to me.

"What will they do to Jennie?"
"No, not Jennie. Believe me or not but we are not related. This is about my true sister."

As her words flew from her lips, I remembered the small talk I had with Tzuyu.

"So Dahyun is working for you?", I asked. Tzuyu turned her head to me, her fingers still playing the mask on her hand, "Yes and no."

"What do you mean?"
"She doesn't work for me but she work for a person that works for me."

I eyed her in confusion, "What's your point?"

"Why don't you ask her instead?", she suggested.
"Why would I if you're already here?"

She winked playfully, "When you become my wife, I will answer every question you have."

I can't believe this asshole. My eyes automatically rolled, "I'm in the right state of mind to not marry a twisted person like you."

"Oh believe me you will. You will need me in the future.", she said meaningfully. I didn't answer but I stared wordlessly at her side profile. I would like to get to know more of you, Chou Tzuyu. Her phone buzzed, earning her attention. I didn't saw the caller ID but based on her reaction she was not pleased.

"Sadly, I need to go now,  but before I leave. Your grandfather ordered for your presence next week for our engagement party.", she pulled a maroon envelope from her coat's pocket. She handed the material to me which I took hesitantly.

"What if I don't show up?"

"That's up to you but you wouldn't want to make your grandfather mad anytime sooner." she replied before she walked towards the shadows again, blending perfectly like she did earlier.

"True sister?", I questioned. Dahyun sniffed and nodded her head. I unleashed her neck, "How can I know that you're telling the truth?"

"Then come with me."


The beeping of the monitor made the atmosphere more melancholic. I stood stoic to my place while I watched the state of the unconscious girl on the hospital bed. She looked exactly like Dahyun, the only difference was their hair color.

Dahyun held her sister's hand gently. Her usual bright smile was the complete opposite of what I am seeing now.

"This is my twin sister, Kim Daehee. As you can see, she's in the state of coma.", Dahyun introduced, "She's the reason why I need to work for the Kim's."

"Why? What is the beef between you and them?", I asked.

"Our parents work as lawyers in their company. Unfortunately, they died from an ambush five years ago, leaving the both of us as orphans. Our relatives don't want to take us in for the fear of having death threats. Out of luck, the Kims "adopted" us which is not that difficult because we already have the same surnames. They feed and sheltered us in exchange of one thing."

"What is it?"

"To be a club member of The Spades since their daughter, Jennie, can't enter.", she answered. But why do they need them to be in The Spades? What are their motives?


"I can't tell, I'm sorry." I nodded my head in acknowledgement. If Dahyun can't tell me then I have no choice but to find it out myself.

"So what happened to your sister?", I questioned.

"She fell ill before we can enter the university so I am the only one who got in The Spades."

"What did you mean when you said that they would do something bad to your sister when you don't obey them?" She opened her mouth reluctantly, but she managed to reply to my question.

"They will cut her life support."
"They will cut her life support."
"They will cut her life support."

Her answer rung repeatedly in my mind and unexpectedly opened an old wound.

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