Chapter 16

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No! Momma is not dead!", the young me cried. My sister hold my shoulders to put me in my place as we watched the nurses took out our mother's body from her hospital room.

For the first time I felt a surge of anger. The man's back was facing us. The man who ordered to cut her life support. The man who's the reason why she's in that horrible state. Adrenaline and emotions combined, I managed to get away from my sister's grip and rushed towards the devil who was the cause of all the things that happened to my family.

I'm tiny compared to him yet it didn't stop me to hit his back using my tiny hands although I know it didn't hurt  him a bit.

"You're a monster! You killed her! You killed my momma!" Tears strolled down my cheeks as I poured my anger in every launch of my hand on his back. He turned around and his figure hovered over me. His eyes were the same hues as my mother's but it didn't had the same glint of light that I used to see. Instead it is surrounded with dark like misty clouds, the one that appeared whenever there's an approaching storm ready to landfall at any moment.

His calloused hands reached for my cheeks and gently wiped away my tears.  "Your mother is not worthy to live anymore."

"No! She's kind unlike you! You're a monster. I wish you die instead of her!", I replied. He clenched his jaw and planted a slap on my cheek sending my body to tumble at his feet.

He snapped his sight to my sister,  "Take her away from me before I send her next to your mother."

White ceiling greeted my vision. I wanted to clutch my head but I feel something heavy on my arms, not abiding me to move. Dahyun had her eyes closed but because of my sudden movement she became awake. "Y/N! Do you feel okay? Are you hurt?  Do you need water?  Do I need to call the doctor-" and bombarded me with lots of questions.

"I'm fine don't worry.", I reassured. She took my hand and played with my fingers. She looked so worried.

"I was scared when I saw you collapsed.", she stated, "It reminded me of what happened to Daehee."

"-and I can't take it if you also shared the same fate with her."

I was stunned. Dahyun doesn't know anything about me.  I even choked her thrice, but she... she still cared. I massaged the crease forming on her brow and I smiled genuinely, "Thank you for caring. I owe you big."

She shyly averted her sight while her cheeks tinted pink,  "Anyone will do it if they are on my shoes so you don't need to."

"But I'm still grateful to you." And I will help you with all of I can.


: "Yo! Yo! Yo! You called! What a miracle!", the person from the other line exclaimed. I cringed, placing the phone away from my ears.

"You're voice makes me want to go back inside the hospital."

: "What? You were hospitalized? Do you want me to accompany you? Text me the address-"

"No need. I just want you to do me a favor."

: "So what does the great Y/N needs?"

"Give me any information you can get about Jennie Kim."

: "Eh?! She's a big person! My name will be at stake!"

"Pranpriya Manoban...", I said in a warning tone.

: "Okay! Okay! I will do it! You don't need to scare me like that."

"Send it to me as early as possible."

: "Alrighty babe but anyways, I heard you're already engaged."

"Unfortunately, yes."

: "But what about her? You know she will go gaga if she finds out."

"I know but I don't care. My plan hasn't succeeded yet so I have no choice but to obeyed the old man's order."

: "Oki doki then. I will send the info to your email later. Sayonara~"

She ended the call. I pursed my lips, thinking about what she said. "But what about her? You know she will go gaga if she finds out."

I inhaled sharply, looks like I will deal with the consequences at the engagement party.

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