Chapter 27

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Is it ironic how people can't accept that they have bad sides? That being bad is a part of their nature? That every individual has twisted desires? has bad secrets?

My feet stride towards the entrance of IOA. The weather was a lot colder today. I blew an air, white smoke hovered on my mouth. I tapped my ID on the scanner and a beeping noise came afterwards. It was only 4 in the morning when I got back so I expected that the campus was still asleep to notice my arrival.

With hands on my baby blue hoodie's pocket, I walked towards the building of the Royals. The hallways were dark, indicating their sleeping slumber.  I went upstairs towards the floor of The Spades. The corridor was not vivid too, black pitch colored the wall. I traveled towards my room when I heard faint footsteps on my back. I was ready to attack when I recognized her voice.

"Y/N! You're back!" joyfully and giddily, Sana greeted. She back hugged me while whispering how comfortable and warm I am.

"Sana-ssi, you're early.", I spoke, turning around to meet her amber eyes toned down its dim. She hung her head low and I crouched to leveled our gazes.

"I didn't sleep, Y/N." her tone was serious far from the cheerful sound she always makes. "Since something came up to bother the club last week."

"What do you mean?"
"We received threats, Y/N. Each one of us and they're not just ordinary threats... I-I can't tell but If I am right you also have a red envelope mailed to you."

She looked so disgruntled. Like a virus sucked its way to enter their safe zone. The downed look on her face made me feel slightly remorse. I wrapped my arms around her, hoping that my warmth would somehow ease her pain. She hugged me back and she begun to sob.

"I'm... I'm so scared, Y/N.", she mumbled. I patted her back, "It's okay to be afraid, Sana-ssi."

"But I've became afraid all of my life.", she said and continued, "Cowardice became my trademark, and I thought it will end since I entered The Spades."

I felt bad. I listened to her rants, softly shushing her when her cries became heavier. We just stand there, arms wrapped around each other while watching the sun rose up to the horizon.

Tired due to crying, Sana yawned, rubbing her bloodshot eyes. She looks cute.

"You know you can still sleep. We still have 2 hours to nap.", I said. She nodded and she tugged my arm, "Only if you will sleep beside me. I like your warmth around my body."

I coughed, a little too violently, seriously? She can still flirt in that state?

She giggled, "Please, Y/N. I really need a cuddle right now and besides I know you're also tired."

"Okay, okay.  Just this once, alright?"
"I can't promise."

I groaned but a smile curved on my lips when I saw how adorable she was. This woman is the death of all men and women alive.

She led us into her room. Shades of purple greeted my sight alongside with some symbol of The Spades on the wall just like what I have in my room. She flopped on her bed, spreading her arms while moving it up and down like she was creating snow angels on the white sheet. I chuckled, this state of Sana is a sight to see.

"C'mere, Y/N. Lay down with me."
"Uh...the floor's fine with me."
"No! I told you I need cuddles.", she pouted, her eyes were already closed. I hesitantly went beside her. Not even a second passed, she already have her arms on me, hugging me tightly like I'm her favorite teddy bear.

"So warm... so good...", she whispered before she passed out to her tiredness. I smiled, now she looks peaceful. My fingers reached for her nose, bopping it lightly, "Have a sweet dream, Sana-ssi."

I closed my eyes, putting my guard down to the warmth of the lady beside me.

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