Chapter 17

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"What do you want?", she hissed. I raised my hands defensively, chuckling at her feistiness.

"I just want to talk." She squinted her eye and slowly put down her knife to my throat. So how do we got here?

The credits all goes to Lisa Manoban, one of my trusted acquaintances. She send me all the information that I needed and I was quite shock about what I discovered. This alone can complete my plan but who wouldn't want a more dramatic way to solve an interesting issue?

Lisa baited the great Jennie Kim and now we are here. In an abandoned building outside the Institute of Arcane. I tell you, Jennie already attacked me for about 1 millisecond from the moment I got here.

"I know you. You're one of The Spades."
"I'm glad that you know me.", I chuckled.

"What the fuck are you up to? Where do you got those?", she growled. I eyed her teasingly but she pushed the blade a little, drawing blood on my skin. I whimpered when I felt the metal slice up my skin.

"I'm not here to play."
"So am I... I'm here to discuss a proposal."
"What proposal?"
"Bringing down your knife first would be nice. Don't you think?"

She brought down her knife and I breathed a sigh of relief. "Thanks."

"Tell me now or I'm going to slash your throat at this very moment."

"Ooh, scary. You should be more cautious to your words you know? What if I have a recorder in my pocket?", I said to ease the atmosphere but uh oh, she became angrier. "I don't fucking care. Let's get this over."

"Okay then. I will be nice and straight forward, I want you to report your parent's wrongdoings to the national bureau. As simple as that. "

She laughed, her head slightly bobbed backwards, "Are you saying to me that I should betray my parents?"

"Your parents stole money from the poor people and gave them false hopes of justice. Don't you pitied them?" I used my most convincing tone for her to get my subliminal. She didn't respond, her lips twitched lightly. She was thinking about my offer. Jennie Kim was not as evil as you think. She was just trapped with her sociopath elders.

"I can't. They will disown me."

I giggled , "Before they can do that they are already behind the bars."

She was torn between the both sides. The look of contemplate was visible on her face. Hah, I can't help but to mentally rolled my eyes. Time to use my best cards then.

"Look Jennie, I'm not stupid to order you to put yourself in stake and let you be harmed. I promise to protect you under my wing.", I stated, "And I have exclusive offers for you if you will help me."

She raised her brows questionably. She crossed her arms, "And what is that?"

"A contract to a modelling company you want and a cozy home in France. You desired them before don't you?  but because your parents want you to study in Institute of Arcane you had no choice but to give it all up."

Her eyes turned goofballs to my statement. Gotcha, I smirked.

"How did you-"
"I have my ways, Jennie."

"I don't know. I have a bad feeling about this." I hold her hands to calm her down. I know what she feels. I'd been there before. It was hard since they were the ones who raised you up but I became tired to be manipulated and I know she is too.

I reached for her phone on her jeans' pocket and dialled my number. My phone vibrated and I raised the thing up to show it to her.

"Hit me up if you already have your decision, Jennie." I pat her back and walked away. She needs time

...and that would not be too long.


Thank y'all for the support! Y'all melt my heart .   (/ω\)♥

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