Chapter 24

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"Congratulations! You look good together."
"Best wishes to the new couple!"

"Hey are you alright?", Tzuyu asked, still by my side. I nodded despite of the whirling feeling in my stomach. We both proceed in smiling to people who congratulated us for our engagement. A slender figure made its way to us, her black short hair and perfectly trimmed bangs made her outstanding amongst the crowd.

The Thai had a look of worry on her face, "Y/N, we need to talk."

"Who is she?", Tzuyu's tone was suspicious. I turned my head to her and pleaded, "Please let me accompany her."

The latter was shocked to hear my begging. Of course, it's strange to see me pleading about something but I really need to, especially now. She hesitantly let me and I kissed her cheek as a form of gratitude and a small show for the ladies and gentlemen surrounding us who cooed at the "sweet gesture", leaving her stunned in her place.

"Where is she?"
"In her room and she wants you to meet her there.", Lisa said, giving the key card to me. I looked at the object, Room 23.

"But what?"
"You know you don't have to. I-I can say that you're busy!  Or your grandfather is with you!", she proposed. I tapped her shoulders, "You don't need to."

"But Y/N!"
"No Lisa! I can handle myself. Go back there and make yourself full with those fancy foods and don't you dare follow me, that's my order."

She nodded her head in defeat. When I made sure she was out of sight, I rushed to the said place. My heels were clacking on the floor which surprisingly easing my nerves. What am I going to do if I already face her? What's my plan? This would be a big problem.

The door stood proud on front of me. I inhaled, muttering a curse before tapping the key card. Beep! The door opened and I went inside.

"Chaeyoung?",I called. No one answered. The room looked empty as well. I walked towards the drawer, noticing a weird medicine bottle. My eyes widened at the content, Propofol , and it didn't even wait for me to turn around when a stinging pain jolted on the side of my neck.


Warning: force sexual activity! Might be triggering so you have the rights to skip.

My vision was hazy. The whole room was a full blur until someone called my name. I want to scratch the obscurity on my sight yet I can't free my hand to do it. As my vision became more clearer, the whole situation became definite to me. I harshly pulled my hands from the tie which was binding me to the bed. I looked down and saw my feet were also tied to the two other posts.

"I'm glad you're awake.", she spoke almost innocently.

"Chaeyoung..." my breath hitched when she straddled my waist, her hands glided to my sides. She chuckled darkly, "You look so nice in this dress. I'm almost happy to see how gorgeous you are tonight... until I saw you with that girl and was told that she is your fiancee. I just became so mad and I almost see red. You know what will happen if I see red,  right?."

She hiked my dress up and flattened her palm on my thighs, stroking it sensually. I bit my lip to prevent my lips from producing a sinful sound.

"Chae, don't.", I whimpered when her hand travelled further, dangerously close to my clothed feminity.

"Don't?", she purred, "Why? This is not the first time we did this and besides, you owe me big."

"You're not in the right state of mind."

She laughed, purely mocking, "Look who's talking. When did we have the right state of mind? We're not raised to be like that if you're forgetting."

She ignored my pleas and proceeded to kiss me. I clamp my lips tightly to resist her but she brought her knees on my center, adding pressure on it. I gasped at the contact and she took it as a chance to slipped her tongue. Her kisses went down to my neck and she trailed wild bites upon the skin.

"This will prove to everyone that you're mine, Y/N. Not your grandfather's,  not your fiancee's or not even yourself.", she murmured against my skin. My blood boiled at what she said. All my life I was treated as a machine. I have no free will. I have no rights. I am just an operated robot that would do everything they ordered.

I'm done with that kind of treatment. A surge of strength went to my arms as I pulled free my right hand from the binds. My palms came contact to her cheeks, her head snapping sideways at the physical vigor.


Shits about to go down :)


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