Chapter 38

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It only took me a second to guess what it means.

Library. Library is dubbed as the home of knowledge.

As for the peculiar set of letters that flashed on our holographic screens. It was just a Caesar's Cipher that was shift into tens. It was a cipher that allows you to substitute a letter based on how great or less you shift your numbers. Caesar's Cipher is very useful to hide a message back in the days, yet it's considerably one of the most easiest type of cipher nowadays. It was use in wars to hide messages and strategies. When it comes to how I solved those, I experimented various numbers first, from five to six and finally to ten. I tested five, six, seven and so on so forth, yet there was no avail until I reached my tenth time, and then boom here lies the answer:

Cwkbd kxn Oqydscdsm, shift it into ten, Smart and Egotistic. You can use your common sense to be honest but I need validation so I still solved it mentally.

To be honest, I'm surprised that the clues was too straightforward. Something's really off.

And to the question about what happened to the missing friend which is secretive, he or she was obviously pushed into the cliff. Smart and Egotistic might have a misunderstanding with Secretive that lead her or him to his or her death.

I expected a lot from this test because it's for The Spades but I think everyone can solve this if they have a proper knowledge about simple ciphers and obvious patterns.

Even though my hunch was pretty convincing, I still searched the corners of the library and I found none. When I was on the my 6th shelf,  my phone rung, Lisa's caller ID was displayed. I pushed the answer button and Lisa didn't wait any second and reported what happened,

: "Chaeyoung is back, Y/N, and she's not here to play."

: "What do you mean?'

: "I somehow cracked something and I found Chaeyoung's location. She's currently inside IOA but I don't know exactly where. I also went through her databases and found some files yet it was interrupted and I can't track it anymore, but one thing is for sure..."

: "What?"

: "She's going to out the secret of The Spades in public... including yours."

I was stunned. Chaeyoung... Chaeyoung is on her way to betray me. I felt my throat constricted, it doesn't supposed to hurt like this...why-  why am I crying?

For a second, I thought I was not on my body. I watched myself became furious, throwing anything my hands can grab, even my mobile phone didn't survived from my wrath. I lose control. I spat words that my mind didn't ordered me too. And then like a switch to an on and off, the feeling faded suddenly and I became in control of my body again.

What the fuck was that?

I didn't had the chance to think about it thoroughly when my phone flashed a footage. Jihyo, Nayeon, Mina and Sana were on the club room. Wait, why are they there?

A new notification popped in my screen, It was a live stream but only selected viewers can see. Jihyo, Nayeon, Mina and Sana was visible except for me.  What the hell is happening? The live stream was pure black and a robotic voice was the only thing you can hear.

"Greetings to the people of The Spades. Welcome to my game."

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