Chapter 18

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"Kim Law Firm, one of the famous law firms in the nation went down due to allegations."

"Kim Law Firm's decade of supremacy ended by a blast."
(lol wtf my headlines are unprofessional and I'm a fucking journalist for Pete's sake.)

I sipped my tea while looking at Dahyun's reaction on the news played on the club's personal television. She was shocked but in relief at the same time. I mean who wouldn't? She spent her years covering their crimes by being a member of The Spades even though she doesn't want to do it.

"Dahyun your parents-" Dahyun quickly interrupted Sana, "They are not my parents. I'm adopted."

The club members became silent. Of course, they didn't know. I brought the tea on my lips and scanned their reactions. Jihyo, Mina and Nayeon were not surprised. I know that they knew, they were the Big 3 of this club after all. The others were in shock especially Sana.

"And sad to say but I became one of their instruments to hide their hideous doings so I will gladly accept if y'all decided to remove me from the club.", she said again. All the eyes went to Jihyo, their curator. The latter noticed the lingering stares and she cleared her throat to speak.

"You've been a great help to the club, Dahyun. I don't see the reason why we need to remove you. But if anyone protests then we will have a meeting about your situation."

No one reacted. Sana raised her arm, "I don't see the problem too."

"Me too."
"Me three!"

Chaeyoung and Momo exclaimed. Jihyo eyed the other two, waiting for their reaction. MiNayeon nodded indicated that they supported the judgement earlier. And lastly, Jihyo bored her eyes to the quiet little me at the farthest corner.

I sipped again my tea, "I agree. Dahyun still deserves her spot, she worked for it." I smiled to Dahyun. She reciprocated, her eyes twinkled bright like the stars in a dark night. The smiles and stares lasted a little longer causing an awkward cough from Jihyo.

"That means that Dahyun will stay with us."


"Enjoy your life from now on.", I said to the girl in front of me. She nodded and her lips rose into a small smile. She clutched her luggage harder while looking down like she was thinking about something. My eyebrows knotted in bewilderment, "What's wrong?"

She raised her head and tugged my wrist to pull me closer. She kissed my cheek, brushing her lips on the side of mines. My cheeks immediately became flustered at the bold movement.

"Thank you.", she mumbled before pulling away, fidgeting with her fingers. I can't respond in shock so I just stared at her purely dumbfounded because of what happened.

"But before I go, I just want to ask, why did you do that? For what reason?", she asked. I breathed heavily, reminiscing the reason why.

"For Dahyun."
"Oh...Do you like her? "

I laughed, "I don't think I'm capable to feel that way."

"We don't know. It's never too late.", she continued, "Everyone needs to feel that silly thing at some point of their lives."

I didn't answer. That silly thing. Love. What is love?

I don't have time for that emotion in my life. I have many things on my plate to be focused on, and I don't avail any defeat or disturbance. I only cared for one thing...

"By the way, speaking of Dahyun, please tell her that I'm deeply sorry for what my parents did to her and her sister. Say to her that she can use my left funds to pay for the hospital bills. Also tell her that I'm glad that I had the chance to be her sister.", she spoke before completely going inside the plane. The plane launched to the skies and I watched the aircraft's fading figure from the ground.

I silently snickered, "Maybe you're right Jennie. Everyone needs love in their life, but I'm not part of that everyone. And that will stay that way until the end of my life."

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