Chapter 30

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"Oh...", I muttered, slightly shocked by what she said, "What about that?"

"I had to cancel it. You know there's a stigma circulating our club and I can't-I am - It's difficult-"

"It's fine with me, Jisoo. Maybe next time we can.", I smiled and she returned the gesture, her eyes twinkled like a thousand stars, gazing at me adoringly. I'm wondering if she looked at her like this too.

"I...", she spoke,  but she bit her lip, contemplating if she would continue or not, "I don't want us to be friends, Y/N."

She stared at me with fierceness and determination as she told me her next words, "I like you."

You like me? How cute.

My lips parted, portraying a look of shock. I stood glued on my spot, completely speechless. Butterflies were understatement to describe how I feel.

It was more intense, somehow ticklish yet mortifying. Something that everyone would crave. Jihyo, Jihyo, Jihyo, you'd never learn.

"I don't know how to respond to that.", I replied truthfully. She grinned and chuckled in amusement, before she reached for my hands, intertwining them together like perfect puzzle pieces made just for each other.

"You don't need to respond now.  I just wanted you to know what I feel because...", she trailed, "Because I know that I'm not the only one who feel this way for you. "

"How...Why me?"
"I don't know. I guess history repeats itself."

Her gleeful expression died down. Her jaw clenched while her eyes darkened like heavy rain clouds ready to swipe a nation by its storm, "And if the history really repeats itself, I will not mess up this time."

"-Not with you,  Y/N.", she said again.


History repeats itself? No, It won't.

History will remain in the past while the present will decide the future. As simple as that. 

I sipped my chocolate milk, chugging the sweet taste, savoring every inch of sweetness I can reach. The skies were clear tonight. The moon shamelessly hovered on me like a spotlight. I gaze beneath the silent grounds of the IOA. Tomorrow will be a big day.

The enemy would start its ministry and I would be the one to witnessed all of it. My joy was skyrocketing. Who would know that I would come far like this? I am so close to success. I am so close to getting what I want.

"Tae Ri unnie, are you proud of me?", I mumbled under my breath. Who am I clowning? Of course she doesn't. She was the light and I am the latter. I am the darkness that everyone hated. The void every little thing feared.

I fished the envelope on my pocket. I opened its lid, pulling out a card. A tarot card symbolising death.
The symbol of mines. The Assassin of Nations. The Angel of Death.

I'm about to tear the material apart when I noticed something moving on the dark quadrangle. Walking through the shadows, a figure went nearer to the closed indoor Olympic pool of the IOA.  I squinted my eye, hoping that I would see better. My sight enlightened and I saw her, the slender figure of Hirai Momo. She wore a black hoodie and pants making her camouflage to the surroundings.

"What is she doing there in this late hour?", I said to myself when I suddenly reminisced something. My eyes widened, Is she going to...? I ran to the door, gliding like the wind as I passed through multiple floors until I reached the last one. But I stopped. I stopped and walked slowly towards the direction of the gate of the indoor pool as I chuckled devilishly, "Momo has officially started the game."

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