Chapter 9

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Revenge can make the weakest person invincible.

Do Kyungsoo, the timid regular boy and the most quiet person I'd ever known snapped. At first, I didn't really thought that he would be involve. He was not the type who fights back even though the the situation is already stepping on his dignity.

He was just so collected. A good little pet.

Yet, I was wrong. The moment I found his drawing in the crime scene, I know he did something. His drawing of Joohyun, which I'm sure Suho commanded him to do was lying on the floor and if you looked closely, you can see the tiny droplet of blood that blended perfectly on the red shirt that Joohyun wears on his sketch.

Do Kyungsoo wasn't innocent. In fact, he was the reason why Suho died earlier than expected.

Joohyun's intention was for him to go crazy with hallucinations, while Kyungsoo wanted to end Suho's life at that very moment.

Unbeknownst from everyone, Kyungsoo put cyanide on Suho's drink and gave it to him along with the drawing. But he didn't expect it when Suho started to clutch his head in pain, hallucinations filling up his mind while the poison he gave made the latter vomited blood. His planned was to kill Suho and dispatch his body afterwards but Suho unexpectedly jumped from the rooftop which turned the whole event.

"He deserves it afterall.", he said, voice as stern as  a rock. He never apologized for what he did. After I reported what happened, The Spades immediately went to his room and asked him if it's the truth. Surprisingly, he confirmed what he did and went in peace to the police station. He received multiple punches from the governor and warned him that he would never leave the prison as long as he lives.

The school immediately covered the issue. Institute of Arcane was so prestigious that incidents like that was not good for maintaining its image.

"I think Y/N deserves the spot to be one of us now.", Jihyo said, her eyes were gleaming brightly. I felt my cheeks warmed. She was so beautiful.

Everyone agreed except for Nayeon. All of them were fine with the decision including Mina to my surprise. She continued to ignore me though. In my peripheral vision, I found Nayeon silently fidgeting. She was tensed and her gripped to her chair was tightened.

"Let's treat Y/N-chan then!", Sana proposed. Chaeyoung, Dahyun, and Momo agreed. Mina declined, saying that she need to do something important. Jihyo said that she would follow us while Nayeon was still sunken on her seat.

"Let's go Y/N-chan!" They swarmed around me like bees. The two, Chaeyoung and Momo were ahead of us while Sana was clinging on me like a koala.

"What do you want, Y/N-chan?"
"Anything would do, Sana-ssi."
"So it's fine to you if I serve myself?", she giggled.
"I'm not a cannibal though."

Chaeyoung, Momo and Dahyun bursted into laughters when they heard my answer. Sana pouted and clung on my arm even more, "That's not what I meant!"

"Looks like your flirtness doesn't affect her, Sana.", Chaeyoung remarked. Momo agreed and nodded her head, "For the first time someone doesn't go flustered all over you!"

"She will, soon...", she winked meaningfully.

"Please, stop."
"Get some help."

"You know what? Let's just order.", Dahyun said. After we ordered what we want, we settled down on one of the vacant tables. I reached for my phone in my pocket when I realized that it was not there and I left it on the club room.

"Excuse me for a second. Continue your meals, I will be back.", I excused.

"Let me accompany you.", Chaeyoung proposed but I declined her offer, "I'll be fast."

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