Chapter 40

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Gathered around the table,  Jihyo, Mina, Sana and Nayeon, the remaining members of The Spades as of time, appeared to be restless. The sturdy Park Jihyo remained her face still,  yet you can tell that she is nervous by the way her fingers religiously tapped the table. Nayeon and Sana, the two ladies were more open book than the latter, the horrified look on their faces were easily spotted.

And Mina...What's going on inside her head?

Mina appeared the calmest among them. No extra movements, just a poker face nothing more or less.

"What are we going to do now?", Sana squeaked.

" we can't let whoever behind that voice win!I'm sure that they still have something in their sleeves. It might be a trap.", Nayeon spoken feverishly.

"Maybe it is but we can't ignore their warning. There are bombs in here and students are scattered everywhere. They are in danger as well.", Sana replied.

"Mina, check the intercoms. We need to let them know.", Nayeon ordered, yet the Japanese stayed on her place.

"Mina, I said-"
"I heard you but it's no use. I'm very sure that the connection was jabbed. This person locked us in here using the school's technology against us. The only hope we have is to play their game right."

Jihyo nodded, agreeing to Mina's statement, "We have no choice but to play."

"But what if- what if...we guessed it wrong?"
"We need to expose ourselves in this circle so the whole school will be safe."

Nayeon slammed her hands on the table, "No way! What if we are live streamed in here? or our answers are being recorded?"

"Is that even important now? Our lives are in stake, not only us, but theirs too. Are you willing to risk it all for your damn secret?", Mina bantered.

"You don't know anything!", Nayeon shouted, "Jihyo help me! You know you'll be affected with this too!"

"I don't care anymore, Nayeon.", Jihyo said, sighing heavily, "Because I think Smart and Egotistic is us."

"What? What are you saying Jihyo? You can't do this to me."
"I can and I will.", Jihyo continued, "Send it to the number, Mina. Type our names."


What's more important?

Happiness or fame?

Love or respect?

For Park Jihyo, she would do anything to remove the "or" and claim it all. Jihyo have the face of a goddess. Her big brown eyes are foreign like,  partnered with her perfectly sculpted brows and pointed nose. Her lips are like kissed by the Cupid himself because of its perfect parabola.

She was perfect, but she doesn't have everything.

Park Jihyo, the 2nd rank, the least favorite among The Spades. The stern one, very unlikely to Choi Tae Ri, their first ranker who have the whole campus as her friend, but instead of hating her, Jihyo was captured.

She was caught.

She was intrigued.

She wanted her.

And she got her.

What Park Jihyo wants, Park Jihyo gets.

Two figures were under the moonlight, She and her in the moonlight. Their subtle giggles made the atmosphere more light. More welcoming.

She loved it.

She craved for it.

But she was the very reason why it was gone.

Those enticing eyes that forms crescent at the mention of her name. Those lips that would be against hers whether it's a night or day.

All gone because Park Jihyo is smart.

Maybe too smart for her own good.

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