Chapter 8

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"To be honest? I find it as a relief." , Joohyun replied without hesitation. I laughed a little too loudly. What would I expect?

"Damn, I'm sorry.", I giggled. Once I finally held back my laughter, I immediately get back to business, "Of course, you would be in relief. If I were in your shoes, I wouldn't want my well planned murder goes into trash."

She seem stunned for a moment but she laughed it off like she didn't know what I was saying.

"What are you talking about?"
"Is it ironic that Suho died after lunch? And you know what is in the lunch- the ever beautiful Joohyun that Suho adored so much. He didn't know she will be the cause of his death... Poor him."
"I don't know what you're saying and I don't have time for wrong assumptions-"

I tilted my head and looked at her with pure innocence, "Do you want me to tell everything you did, Joohyun?"

"-First, as I waitress you would definitely know Suho's favorite food so you took it as a chance to put something in it. Let's just say it's a kind of herb that is comparable to the devil. Am I right? ", my smiles were sweet as sugar as I watched the horror dawned upon her face. I grabbed her wrist and subtly sniff the faint smell coming from it.

"You didn't wash your hands properly, Joohyun. I am very disappointed.", I stated again and settled her hand on the table carefully. "Datura Stramonium, a plant that can give hallucinations for days to the person that would dare to ingest it."

Her face portrayed anxiousness. I was positive that she was thinking about how to dispatch me at the moment.

"You know I think love really makes people stupid. Datura Stramonium has a strong odor that if me personally, I will quickly figured it out that something's off with my food, but that dumbass likes you so much that he chewed the poison without even knowing."

Joohyun was speechless. The color of her skin appeared to be paler. Her face was scrunched up with worry and fear. She was looking down, her eyes were hided from me.

"Fortunately, there's a chance for you to get out from this mess." I suggested. "Only if you will accept my offer."

"What is it?", she asked, her voice weak. Slowly, the glint of madness succumb my body. My smirk widened and I leaned closer to her, "Be mine, Joohyun. Work for me and pay me with your service. Be one of my tools to greatness, and trust me, this secret will be only between us."

"How can I trust you?  As far as I know, you're working with The Spades, and what you're doing now is complete opposite of their advocacy."

I clicked my tongue, "You don't have to know everything about my ways but one thing is for sure, I keep my words. So answer me, are you going to accept or not?"

Desperation. That thing that drives human crazy to do horrible things. The key to piqued everyone by the hook. To slash them in pieces if they happened to disobey.

"I will accept." Good girl. I lend my hand for her to shake. "Good choice. Now I'm doing my present for you."

I'm about to leave when she pulled my hand, "What are you going to do? "

"Just watch, Joohyun..."


"Do Kyungsoo, you're under arrest..."


This is so complicated my dudes aaaachk

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