Chapter 39

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First of all, I know that all of you are familiar with the game Guessing Game. The game's rules are not that hard is it? I'm going to say a question and you're going to guess it but the only difference is...", the voice stopped and the screen flashed a monitor with different folders, dividing Nayeon, Jihyo, Mina and Sana, "Unlike the typical game that have candies as prizes, In my game you should guess what's the answer to my question to protect these folders. Why? Because these folders contained every single detail about you. All the good things and bad things."

"How can we be sure that those folders really have contents? Maybe it's just a farce threat.", Nayeon pointed out, not bothered a bit.

The voice laughed, "Do you want a teaser Im Nayeon?"

A short beep was heard and then it was followed by a voice record, 

: "Do I look like I give a fuck if she dies? I personally think she's better that way."

Nayeon's face paled, her fingers became clammy and fidgety. She looked at Jihyo who have her lips pursed, "Hyo, it's not what you think-"

"Shut up.  I've heard enough."

Nayeon shuddered at her place, "Jihyo-"

"I said shut up!", Jihyo's voice thundered, "There's much more important things now than that."

Jihyo massages her nose bridge, calming herself down before speaking up again, "Who are you? And why are you doing this?"

"It's not your job to find who am I neither Mina, Nayeon or Sana's. "

I watched them on the screen. Their faces were uneasy and contorted with fear. I pursed my lips, a bubble of anger rising up in my chest. Chaeyoung you'll regret this.

"Smart and Egotistic pushed Secretive into the cliff but why? What's the misunderstanding between them that made them pushed Secretive to death?", the voice questioned, "And who among you is Smart and Egotistic?"

"What do you mean? That there's someone in us who pushed somebody to a cliff?", Sana asked.

"It's up to you if you'll take it literally or metaphorically. The thing is if you guess it correctly, you have the rights to keep your secret to your graves. However, if you failed to comply, be ready to have your faces on the country's news front page with a terrifying headline that would ruin everything, including your future."

"-And oh, I forgot. Please mind the time, the whole building is surrounded with hidden bombs. It will only defuse if you will answer me correctly. "

What the hell? Bombs? There were still other students in here!

"Text your answers to the numbers flashed on the screen. You only have two chances to guess what's the answer. Be mindful, The Spades. Use your wits and intellect to this."

"-And as for you, Y/N. I have a very special job for you...", the voice trailed with malevolence, "I cannot walk but I can run, I sing but I don't have a mouth, I have hands yet my arms are nowhere to be found, I lack a head but I have a face. What am I?"

I saw how Mina's eye widened. We already heard this riddle after all.

"Even though you all manage to solve the question but Y/N can't solve hers, then you are going down with her like a domino effect. More exciting isn't it?"

"For fuck's sake, Y/N was a regular! She ranks the lowest among us and you gave her the important work?!", Nayeon argued, yet the voice counter attacked, "Do you even know what's Y/N capable of? Do you know her deeply than knowing her name and her for being a regular?... You know nothing about her, not even a little bit."


Endgame who?

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