Chapter 5

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"Is it true that you're going to be a member of The Spades?"

"Waaa! How lucky!"

"It's not yet confirm so I'm not really expecting anything.", I replied to the forming crowd around me.  As expected, news spread quickly in this academy. They looked at me with amazement, somehow adoring and idolising. However, I was not shock to saw those expression on their faces.

"You're so humble, Y/N-ssi."

"Ah, I'm saying the truth. I don't want to get my hopes high."

Regardless of numerous people that was piqued by the issue, there was still a person who didn't approach me at all. Jeongyeon had her head on the table, her arms were folded in a crisscross motion that covered her face. I expected her to be cold due to the rejection I gave yet she didn't. After I rejected her she seemed fine with it until the news broke that I'm going to be a member of The Spades. She became all gloomy which was very unusual of her.

When the bell rung, I immediately rushed towards my scheduled "exam" for today. Im Nayeon, my fifth challenger stood proud on her uniform. I watched her figure getting bowed on by many students, regulars or royals. She smiled politely and continued to walk to our meeting place. An empty classroom not far from the main building of the royals.

I let her in first and after a few minutes then I went inside. The door produced a light screech when I closed it, which earned her attention. She stared at me with blankness and I can feel the nervousness creeping on my skin. Her hands reached for the upside down monobloc on the floor. She turned the thing around and sat on it, with her legs crossed and gazes sharp as ice pricks. I just know that bad news was coming based on what she looked.

"I'm going to be honest with you, I don't like you at all Y/N. I don't want you to be one of us so if I were you, I would quit now."

"I know but I won't.", I replied. "Why do you hate me so much, Nayeon-ssi? It's making me wonder if I did something bad to you or maybe, I reminded you of someone you did something bad to." I grabbed her shoulders and pushed her further to the seat. She became pale and the guilt dawned upon her face. Why do you have that expression Im Nayeon? She slapped my cheek which was enough to send me sideways. My body collided with the cold floor and I could hear the loud BANG! of the door as she left the room.

"Pfft..." Im Nayeon, what secrets can you possibly hiding?


3rd Person

The crowd grew around the lifeless body of the boy. His skull cracked open by the force he received when he jumped from the rooftop while his blood bathed the ground. His eyes portrayed a noticeable look of terror.

"Who could possibly did this?!"
"No one! I saw him jumped by himself!"
"Report this to The Spades! Quick!"

Meanwhile on the rooftop, Do Kyungsoo appeared to be rooted on his position. His body was shaking violently as he witnessed the whole scenario... He just saw Suho jumped from the building.

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