Chapter 11

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Changes happened.

Issues bloomed.

Questions bombarded.

A regular made her way to the topnotch club. Was it headline worthy? I don't know, but one thing is for sure, the "balance" had been tested.

In Jihyo's command, I would be transferred to a room specified for the members of The Spades. I am no longer a regular, I am now one of them.

As I fold my clothes inside my luggage, the door suddenly opened. With a panic stricken face, Jeongyeon  rushed towards me. She engulfed me into a hug and buried her face on the crook of my neck.

"Please, don't go...", she whispered, "I don't want you to get hurt."

A good type of warmth blossomed inside of me. Jeongyeon, you're just too good to be true. I wrapped around my arms on her and gave her a comforting squeeze, "I won't."

"You just don't get it do you?", she scolded. Her features were angry yet worried. She pulled away and clasped our hands together , her palms on top of mines.

"This can put you into great danger. Institute of Arcane is enormous. I'm sure many students will not be happy about a regular joining the Spades. You will be their target."

She was right. This will definitely put me into the depths of hell but I think it would be fun to see predators fighting over a prey. An entertainment I would like to witnessed with my bare eyes.

"Don't worry I will be fine, Jeong." She helplessly stared at me. Like she wanted to tell me something that I don't know which will cause her life if she really did say it. She sighed and averted her gaze away, "I don't think I still can change your mind so just be careful and don't..."

"Don't trust too much.", she continued.
"I'll keep that in mind."

After I finished fixing my things, Jeongyeon helped me to move my things on my new room. On our way there, I felt the stares of the royals on me. They murmured and whispered, wondering why a peasant is on their sacred land.

A whole floor was dedicated to the member of the club. Each one of them has luxurious and enormous rooms plus the fact that they have a library, gym, and other things that was not on the past floors.

Jihyo welcomed us. She eyed Jeongyeon before shifting her eyes on me, "I see that you brought your friend here."

"She helped me with my things." I pointed out to the box that Jeongyeon hold.  Jihyo nodded in acknowledgement and talked to the latter, "You can go back now. I will take care of that box you're holding-"

"I can do it myself, Jihyo-ssi.", Jeongyeon immediately cut her off.

They had a mini staring contest before Jihyo gave up and lead us to my room. My jaw dropped, this was more than what I expected. The room was elegant and much more bigger than my room before. The room has a touch of black and white. The space was also big. The floors were polished neatly and the essence of being a Spade was shown upon the white spade like chandelier that lighted up the whole room.

"This is overwhelming. Thank you, Jihyo-ssi.", I said gratefully.

"No need. This is your perks for being a Spade. Anyways speaking of perks, we need to discuss about the things you need to know about the club and its rules. It's a private matter between member to member so your friend here-"

Jeongyeon bowed 90 degrees, "I will leave now, Y/N and Jihyo-ssi."

"Let me accompany you-"
"No need. Seems like you need to discuss important things with each other.", she said again before going out of the room. I panned my head a little and I saw the pink haired girl's reaction. Her jaw was roughly clenched while staring at the path that Jeongyeon had left.


A softie Jeongyeon is what I need in my life

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