Chapter 2

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Regret and guilt.

That was I saw in the culprit's eye. He sobbed and denied the accusations that he killed his lover. He said that he cannot do such things to her most beloved.

Unfortunately that was the key word, he love her too much. Obsession. The man is obsessed to her so he ended up killing her for denying what he wanted.

"Why are you believing these kids? I didn't kill Maria! I love her!"

"That's the point, Mister. You tried to get into the victim's pants without her permission so she fought you. She even scraped her arms into the sliding glass when you pushed her to the window. After you realized what you did, you immediately fixed her position to make it look like she committed suicide.", I responded.

"You have no evidence that I did that!"

"Actually, we do." Jihyo hold the suicide note, "The way this written were rushed. You wrote this ten minutes before the police came and unfortunately, you smeared some of her blood in the paper which you got after fixing her position." and then she raised a pen with dried blood all over it, "And you used this to write the suicide note. Am I right, Mister?"

The man's color drained. He looked at us with fear. He tried to ran away but he was cuffed by the police officers. They said their gratitude to us and apologized for calling us kid earlier. A contented sigh escaped from my lips. For now, I can go home and sleep.

I started to march the way to the campus. Jihyo silently followed me from behind, which I didn't really paid attention of. The night was already setting when we reached the school's gate. I'm about to go inside when I realized I don't have my ID. I stopped and shyly turned my head to her, "You're aware that I don't have my ID, right?"

She nodded and went ahead. She placed her ID to the built in scanner on the wall and the door opened. I trailed her back to get inside and the familiar huge buildings greeted our sight. I took the other path, the way towards the regular students dormitory. I expected that Jihyo would go to the other path so I didn't look back to see her but I was wrong.

Jihyo suddenly pulled me by the wrist before I can even completely turned my back. I almost lose my balance when she tightly held my waist to support my body from falling.  With cheeks furiously heated in embarrassment, I awkwardly stood back away from her.

"Y/N...", she started.

"I'm just wondering if you would like to join."
"Join? what?"
"The Spades."

My eyes widened. Why would she like to have me in her club? That was absurd. "Why me?"

"Why not you?"
"My overall average is not fitted for your club, Jihyo."
"There's nothing to rush, Y/N. Please, think about it. " My lips parted, Jihyo, a topnotcher of Arcane wanted me, a regular student who barely passed the entrance exam to join the famous club of student detectives?

Wow, that was a huge offer.

"I will think about it.", I responded. Her face got brighter at the answer. She pat my shoulder before she went straight to the other direction. With a tiny smile on my lips, I watched her back went miniscule from afar.  It was an ordinary day of my school life and everything was just fine so far.

I yawned and with one last glanced, I swerved my feet towards the dark building of the regulars.

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