Chapter 35

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The way her brows scrunched up in a focusing manner while staring at the screen of databases, made her looked like a kid who've been trying hard to claim a prize in a claw machine.

I sighed, loud enough for her to hear and destroy the mini bubble of frustration surrounding her.

"Can you be at least be silent?", Mina husked.

"I told you already that you won't find anything."

She ignored me, as usual. It was been days since that incident happened, and now I am stuck with Mina. I clearly remembered how our conversation ran that resulted to being with her almost every hour of my day.

"But It's the truth, I don't really know.", I replied.

"Don't lie to me."
"Why would I? You caught me on act Mina. There's no point to lie."

She scrutinized me, her gazes were sharp as knives, that I almost felt it trickling upon my spine. It was the truth though. I didn't lie to her... in some angles.

"Then why do you want the club to fall apart? And who's the person you are with at the first place?"

"Why are you so curious?"

She pursed her lips, forming a nice thin line. One more push and viola!  "I see nothing wrong with that-"

"You have your hidden agenda, I see.", I hummed, provoking her more.

"I don't have."

"I don't believe you." and more.

"Okay,  fine...", she said, crumbling the walls of her mask, "I want to rule The Spades. I want to bring down Nayeon's and Jihyo's ranks."

"Why?", I questioned, and she answered, "Because I know that the club will be better in my hands."

I laughed, my bad. She furrowed her brows in my shameless display of mockery, "You? Your rank is beneath them. What makes you think that The Spades will flourish in your reign?"

I think I hit a certain part. She stride closer, gripping my shirt's neck line. The same deadly expression I saw the day she hit me was presented back. Her fist was on the midair, ready to attack me at any moment.

"So you're going to hit me again until I can't open my eyes huh? Is that your normal way of easing your anger?"

"Shut up!", she shouted, "I still have something to bring you down so don't play stupid on me. You will do what I said and help me with whatever you can. "

I stared at the laptop in front of me. Mina asked me to decode every code in it. My head spun the moment I saw this earlier, I am not good with this kind of things but I know little. I put my fingers back on the keyboard, typing different variables that would solve this hellish group of numbers and letters.

"Did you find anything?"

"None.", I said, flipping the screen for her to see. I didn't noticed that I graced my elbow on some of the keyboard's keys and it popped up something.

"See? Nothing interesting..."
"What are you saying? See it for yourself."

I looked at her confusedly before going to her side. Written in bold green letters, the riddle glowed proudly on the screen.

I cannot walk but I can run, I sing but I don't have a mouth, I have hands yet my arms are nowhere to be found, I lack a head but I have a face. What am I?

"Do you know what is it?", Mina whispered.

"I don't.", but I felt like I heard this somewhere.

Our silence broke when the door burst open, revealing the other Japanese. Sana looked at us in shock, "What are you doing here?"

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