Chapter 20

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Mina shook her head in disbelief, shocked by my sudden intrusion. She stared at me meaningfully, ordering me to fuck off and mind my own business. But I didn't oblige and stand my ground, eyeing the older lady.

"Excuse my words but,  Mina is one of the most intelligent person I know and if you don't see that then there's a problem with you.",I spoke my mind. The elder scoffed but I didn't let it waver me.

"You're her family yet you treated her like a thing. What a shame. You think you're perfect? Think again." my words were like double edged sword, slashing me at the same time. My teeth gritted as I felt my sentences burrowing deep in me. The lady pursed her lips, clenching her jaw.

"Who are you in the first place? Who is she Mina?", the lady raised her brows and questioned my existence. Mina glared at me,  what?, I mouthed. She straightened her posture and faced her mother, "She is the regular the rumors told you about."

The lady eyed me from head to toe. I flinched. The way she looked at me with so much power and elegance made me feel like a peasant in front of a queen.

"Psh, I thought something important.", she added, "A lowlife spitting nonsense. I really don't know what's with Jihyo when she decided to add a regular to a respected club."

"Just don't mind her. Like you said, she's a lowlife. A rock among diamonds.", Mina supported her mother. My mouth agape, I just save you, you ungrateful-

"Anyways I need to go, this rat ruined my mood. And by the way, remember my words, Mina.", she said before she sauntered away. I didn't have the time to react when Mina grope my shirt upwards, her usual calm veneer slipped away.

"You... ", she spoke through gritted teeth. Her eyes turned red because of the tears threatening to spill, "You have no fucking common sense."

The derogatory term flew from her mouth in ease. Mina's guarded cloak swiped away, leaving her all vulnerable in front of me. She was quiet. She was intelligent. She was dangerous. The perfect child as the media dubbed. Her parents- no, her whole clan have high position in the government. However, they don't have the ability to reach the highest power... which is an irony because for years they had been raising their children to be the best version of themselves yet no one succeeded to claim the top position.

The highest chair. The presidency. The Imperial Throne.

But as young Mina was born, all with beauty, talent, sharpness and elegance. The Myoui's has been given a chance to reach their dream.

Why? All because the emperor's daughter is not as "perfect" as Mina. Their levels are not that faraway yet it was a big deal for many people. Who's the emperor's daughter? Hmm... that's for another day.

"I don't need the sympathy of a regular like you.", she spat venomously, "You are nothing but a dirt to me so you have no right to intrude and pitied me like that!"

Her anger were like the calmest ocean that were enraged by a storm. A wild beast purely untamed. The feelings she bottled up for too long. The fragility she hidden to become the most desirable child. It all burst up to me.

She beaten my body, black and blue. I almost see the stars circling my head as she pushed me to the ground, showing her anger in every hits I received, sending jolting pain to my physique. The sayings are true; Silent people are the most dangerous ones when they are consumed with anger.

When she saw that I no longer open my eyes, she stopped. Her actions suddenly dawned on her. She stumbled on her feet and looked at me with terrify on her eyes.

"No... no...", she whispered to herself. She's not the clear glass without dents anymore. I am her first ever mistake...or maybe, I am not.

Before I could open open my mouth to say that I'm fine and she shouldn't be mad to herself for what happened, she suddenly ran away, leaving me behind.

"Mi-mina...", I mumbled before I passed out.

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