Chapter 36

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"Clearly none of your business.", Mina cut off. The two had a staring contest, blazing with the same level of hate. 

"Don't talk to me like that.", Sana warned with authority. Mina remained unfazed, the smirk on her lips curved mockingly towards the girl.

"Why would I listen to a sore loser?" Sana's ears tinged at the latter's choice of words. She clenched her fist, her stares were ready to kill.

"Don't forget your place Mina. Your family still works for mine."

"My family but not me. From now on, I'll make sure that the Imperial throne will be in my hands.", Mina answered with determination. Sana and Mina. Two different opposing poles. One is unwanted, the latter is pressured.

Minatozaki Sana is not your ordinary person. She's a real life princess. An heir in fact. Despite of her thrilling  heritage, Minatozaki Sana is kind of... what's the term again? hmm right... unwanted.

While Myoui Mina is completely different. Not a royal blood yet born with natural elegance. The perfect attitude for a blue blooded that made her family rose from the dust to gold. From rags to riches.

"We were friends Mitang. We were glued by the hip before, remember?", Sana said, "This shouldn't be happening to us."

Mina was shocked. She was utterly disgusted by what Sana had said, "Friend? Do you even treated me as your friend, Sana? Because I know that a true friend would never use her friend as a scapegoat for what she wrongly did."

Mina left with a bitter scowl while Sana stand there with guilt presented on her amber eyes. I turned off the laptops, carrying the objects on my arms before patting Sana on her shoulder. I didn't say anything as I left her on her place. She needs time.

I rushed outside, hoping to find the certain blonde. I found the girl under the tall sycamore tree that resided in the campus. She have her eyes closed yet the crease on her eyebrow didn't vanished.

I sat beside her, feeling the grass brushed on my skin. She opened her eyes, knowing my presence all too well.

"You shouldn't have witnessed that."
"It's fine, but I'm just curious about what happened to the both of you. You can tell me anything,
I won't judge. "

She sat up,  fixing her posture, "Why would I tell you? Did you forget that I don't trust you?"

"Well, first of all I'm not recording voices unlike you.", I said sarcastically and continued, "And I heard somewhere that it would be good to vent out to someone to avoid inner frustrations."

"So you're a psychologist now?"
"No, just a concerned citizen."

Mina looked at me unbelievably, "Who are you? You're not Y/N."

"I am not." Truth to be told, I don't know why I want to comfort Mina.

"Well not Y/N, let's just say that Sana did something unforgivable that's it.", she replied, "I can't say it all to you."


The silence weighed heavier as the time past us. We were underneath the tree, solitude acted like a warm blanket, covering us quietly when the Japanese decided to broke it with her soft tone.

"I'm sorry.", she squeaked.

I am aware that the wonder in my face was visible, "Eh? Why?"

"For what I did to you. These past few days that we've been together proved to me that you're not as annoying as you seems."

"Of course. I think it will not be a good idea to annoy someone who blackmailed me."

Mina laughed. It was the most beautiful sound that I heard. She noticed the sudden slip to her usual personality so she pursed her lips hastily. The silence hovered around us yet it was not the same as before. It was awkward. Determined to break the uncomfortable tension in the air, I let out a nervous chuckle,

"And besides, I already survived worse from you."

The words flew helplessly from my mouth while my cerebrum started to function properly, giving me a mental breakdown on how insensitive I sounded.

Mina's gleam vanished like a bubble. She returned to her poker face self. I closed my eyes in annoyance, Damn it, I just made it worse.

"Y/N, I have something to confess to you."

"About what?"

"About the contents of my envelope."

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