Chapter 6

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"I don't think Suho is the type who will commit suicide."

The table silenced at Sana's statement. Kim Junmyeon also known as Suho was the type of person who had an exceeding belief on himself that it was hard to believe that he actually committed suicide.

"We don't know. Maybe he has hidden problems that's why he did that.", Dahyun said. The Spades were brainstorming about the matter in their meeting table, but since I'm still not an official member, I was placed at the corner to observe.

"We still need to investigate no matter what to confirm our assumptions. I want you all to seek further at this matter.", Jihyo announced. "But anyways, what do you think about this, Y/N? Do you really think it was suicide?"

My eyes widened when she suddenly called me. I was not that listening to their discussion because my mind was on somewhere else. Either way, I still need to answer Jihyo's question. I cleared my throat and answered, "I think he jumped by himself but I don't think it was suicide."

"Do you know how absurd you sound?", Mina countered, a mocking sneer was plastered on her flawless face.

"Mina!", Jihyo scolded but the latter rolled her eyes. Myoui Mina was as persuasive as Nayeon when it comes to me not getting inside their club. Jihyo looked at me apologetically for her member's lack of respect, yet it doesn't really matter to me.

"Go on, Y/N."

"We all know that Suho has a quiet reputation of bullying and degrading others, especially when the student is a regular. I myself witnessed one of his bullying events so I'm sure one of the person he bullied from the past is somehow connected to this incident." I stated, "However, the question is how did the culprit managed to lure the victim into his or her trap without laying his or her hand on the victim? Anyway, this is only my hunch for I don't have any concrete evidence to prove my statement."

"Well then you can do a research to prove your assumptions as long as you will not do anything forbidden.", Jihyo said before she adjourned the meeting. I rushed to the door and opened it up for them. It was my way to have a good impression since I did really want to join the club. I bowed my head a little as they leave and coincidentally, my eyes meet Nayeon's. She froze, yet she immediately recovered and averted her gaze somewhere.

You are indeed very entertaining, Im Nayeon.

When I made sure they already left and nowhere of sight, I took out the piece of paper on my skirt's pocket. With an excited grin, I walked outside the room and started the journey to the person who would answer this mystery.


Tok! Tok! Tok!

Three knocks was all it takes for Kyungsoo to open his door. I made sure that I smiled sweetly before doing my plan, "Hi Kyungsoo! Can we talk for a bit?"

I can saw the hesitancy on his eyes but he still let me in. His room was well organized. His drawings was on the wall which made it more pleasing to the eye. My mouth agape in amazement, he was very talented.

"So what is your business with me?", he asked.

I turned around to face him. A daunting smirk was curved on my lips but it faded immediately, "What did you know about Suho's death?"

"What are you talking about? I don't know anything.", he responded in a natural way. What a liar. My mouth formed an 'o' in agreement, "Okay then. If that's what you say then I'm going now just making sure since Suho tends to gave tasks on you a lot."

I reached for his door knob, but before I go and completely shut the door, I fished the  paper in my pocket and showed it to him, "By the way, Is this your drawing Kyungsoo?"

Then at that moment, the liar stripped his facade.

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