
748 40 10

[november 2020]


I felt a little awkward. 

On one side I had Mr. Perez, on the other Zayn Suskind. I had the impression that they both didn't like each other so they put me in the middle of their silent conflict. The atmosphere in general was already tense from the first seconds we met at the car. Everything seemed to indicate that virtually everyone is quarreled with someone here or at least during reconciliation.

The car was driven by a boy whom I had the opportunity to meet before.

A boy with amber eyes able to see through anybody.

Shadow boy.

Apparently, it would seem that we have a lot more in common than it shows to an outside observer at first glance. We worked for the same man and functioned in a closed system absorbing us on similar principles.




After all, I knew that too many things were pushing us towards the opposite poles. We could coexist in the same hell but even in hell there was a hierarchy in which we occupied different circles.

There was Mark in the passenger seat, who was constantly looking out the window. He was silent all the way, working hard to keep his face resistant to any from of plasticity. The stone safety mask was still with him, though I couldn't estimate how long it would remain his loyal companion. He seemed seemingly calm but his leg was still nervously twitching, as if something couldn't giving him peace. If it wasn't for the radio, I could swear I'd go crazy.

"Do you sometimes use the services of these girls or do you only have their bodies at your command for others?" finally asked Zayn.

"I'm afraid it would be a small conflict of interest," said Mr. Perez. "It's the kind of entertainment that isn't meant for us. They are supposed to make our partners and clients stay more enjoyable. Also, caution dictates certain conditions - better that none of them know our identity."

"An interesting point of view," admitted Suskind. "In Edmonton, we don't really deal with such things. This is the first time I'll be participant of a similar event. "

"It's a very big trade fair," admitted the boss. "One of the largest in this part of States. If anyone wanted to destroy America's underground world, he would have to hit this place. "

"A lot of people are involved?" asked Suskind.

"A lot of important figures."

There was silence in the car again. After a moment of forced, artificial conversation, no one tried to interrupt it for a long time. I glanced subtly at Mark. I couldn't do it too obviously or too intensely because I felt the stranger boy's gaze on me, though he wasn't really looking at me at all. Despite everything, I had the impression of being surrounded, as if all my smallest moves were monitored. In fact, probably no one even noticed me.

A sudden movement from the front caught my attention. As soon as the song changed, Mark immediately leaned forward to switch it. At the same time, the stranger also reached out to the radio. When their hands met, they both quickly pulled them back, leaving the same station on the air. Finally, they laughed as if it was somewhat awkward for them.

"Change it," the boy behind the wheel said calmly and Mark just nodded in response.

"Don't you like Placebo, Haechan?" Mr. Perez was surprised.

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