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[july 2021]


The stupid banquet was the last thing I wanted to do. Especially since Hyuck, whom I haven't seen since the story with the missed phone calls and his visit to fucking Maddox, was supposed to be on it. Another week has already passed. It made me all irritated and I felt that if someone upset me today, I would just punch him. I didn't want to hurt anyone. However, the crisis that I had in my relationship with Donghyuck was taking me to the brink of the abyss.

As if out of spite, there were only songs on the radio today that only fueled my aggression. It was July, for god's sake. Love themed songs should start and end on a stupid February 14th. I started jumping nervously around radio stations.

If my head is full of you, is there nothing I can do?

I would try to change the things that killed our love.

...because of you I've got a list of songs I can't listen to...

...If you love me, why'd you let me go?

"Fuck, there's nothing better these days or what...," I muttered, turning off any sounds in the car altogether. The engine was enough. It was almost a perfect substitute for music.

"Something happened?" Hunter asked hesitantly, looking at me sidelong. He pissed me off too.

"The street in front of you," I whispered impassively, immediately cutting off any space for conversation.

When I entered Enzo Luciano's villa, I felt a strange stress inside me. Marco had been here for several hours. The official part was only for the representatives and the part of the window dressing appeared to be for the rest of the pets and pawns. Since Marco was here, Donghyuck had to hang around the room as well. Nothing more obvious - brunet's eyes pierced me at the moment I crossed the threshold of the living room huge as hall. I swallowed hard, barely controlling heart, which was beating like crazy. It was hard to judge if it's more from stress or butterflies in stomach because he looked breathtaking. He finally cut hair, something I'd been asking for a long time. But clearly lost weight and I liked it much less. His collarbones were clearly visible on the honey skin, which was only more conspicuous due to the whiteness of shirt. I approached him hesitantly, oblivating all pick-up lines, apologies and civility I had in my limited set of communication phrases.

"Hi," I said, exhaling a nervous sigh.

"Hi," Hyuck replied simply, no visible signs of stress like mine. I nodded as looked around the room. Almost no one was there yet. The meeting had to be extended. I didn't even know what this meeting was about. Unless Marco was telling me and my thoughts were in a different place, with a different person and I just ignored it.

"How are you?" I asked, feeling the dumbest in the universe with this question. I was just asking about my own boyfriend's wellbeing, like some strange friend I hadn't seen in a few months.

"Good and you?" Donghyuck replied, sighing heavily. I don't think he wanted to talk to me that much. I wasn't surprised at all. I wouldn't want to talk to myself either.

"Okay," muttered and he nodded in response. I grimaced, kicking heels. I felt like talking to the wall. Internally, a voice spoke - as usual with you, but I haven't had the strength to agree with that voice yet. "Do you still love me at all?" I asked in Korean about a thing I was afraid to hear more than a diagnosis of my own death. I asked directly because I could see that stupid pleasantries would get us nowhere. At least I got the attention I wanted, even if it was negative.

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