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I enter the throne room immediately I see prince Arnav sitting in the throne ready to be coronated but his eyes were searching everywhere in the room before it landed on me and he seemed relieved.

I became very angry that I could have almost fell for his trick so I immediately averted my gaze on him.

I saw Queen Adhira and she saw me as well then she gave me an intense stare and walked to me.

"I warned you didn't I?"

"Am not threatened by you."

"Leave now or you'll regret it."

"I don't care."

"You were warned."
With that being said she left.

The ceremony progressed,

There are many prestigious guess, kings from other kingdoms and high official but there's this princess that cut my attention; she's been watching me and am getting suspicious.

Not just that but Arnav have been acting strange as he kept on watching me after Vihaan, his personal male servant and bodyguard came and whispered something to him.

I wonder what it was.

It's already an hour and
Arnav has not been crowned yet, one more ritual and he will be crowned. One more ritual and I will give him a piece of my mind.

"He's really handsome isn't he?"
Someone said behind me, it's a voice I don't recognize.

I turned back to face the woman that kept on watching me.

"Who are you?"

"Am princess Amoli, I love your henna tattoos." She said as I checked my hands to make sure cause I remembered never applying henna. "I was watching the princess who didn't apply henna to such an occasion. That's strange because I heard that your the crown Prince's little sister."

I suddenly feel ashamed of myself, why don't I always behave the way am supposed to.

"Can I share with you a little something?" Amoli said leaning forward.

"Am not into gossips."

"But you'll love this one and gossips are rumors but this one is a fact."

"I don't care." I turned away.

"I'll be marrying the crown prince." She perked my interest as I turned back to her.

"And you said you didn't like gossips." She gave me a sly smirk but I'm not interested in that. She could be messing with me but I till want to hear what she has to say. "My father is going to make an alliance with the king. Oh just think, every princess wants to get married to him but I'll be the one to get him."

"What makes you so sure that he's going to accept."Arnav had turned down many marriage proposal in the past which made him single till now.

"There's going to be a proposal or should I say, a bribe?" She giggled but it only disgusts me. I don't think he'll accept it.

"I don't think Arnav will accept a bribe."

"Oh come on, it won't be like a bribe."

"Why are you telling me all this?"

"Because I can't contain it anymore. The joy, it's overwhelming." She laughed. The way girls throw thereself at Arnav disgusts me but I remembered what about me? Wait, there's no me.

"Okay then." I turned to leave but I was stopped by a hand that grabbed my arm. "What?"

"Have a toast with me to cerebrate, you are happy for me aren't you?"

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