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Manikarnika just kept walking angrily until she bumped into a woman, she was just about her age just a little smaller. She was adorned richly but her face was not clear.

"I this is not the time, just leave me alone!" Manikarnika shouted.

"Am very sorry Manikarnika, please forgive me." The woman kneeled down and begged but Manikarnika's mind seems to be else where. "please Manikarnika, he had said you are a good person and very nice to people you trust."

"Yes! like you said, people I trust."

She stood up, a tear fell from her eyes. "Ever since I was very young I was in love with Arnav, please Manu."

"You are not allowed to call me that."

"Manikarnika, let me show you that I've changed, I was only jealous. Please."

"One thing I don't understand is, why are you apologizing now?"

"Because he has made it clear to me that he will never love me, not when you are still alive so I've accepted it." She pointed at the direction Manikarnika had just been coming from. "And I also want peace."

"What do you mean he won't love you if am still alive?"

"He loves you that's why."

"What?" The news seems very shocking for Manikarnika.

"Yes, and I've accepted it." She gave Manikarnika a smile and took her hands. "Come let me show you something and you'll believe me."

"In where?"

"The kitchen. There's a surprise."

Manikarnika followed the woman to the royal kitchen.

She looked ahead and saw nothing special there.

"What is it Amoli?" She asked as she turned to her. Queen Amoli was grinning mischievously.

"Your death is what I want to show you fool." She was standing by the door and after she said what she wanted to, she closed it.

Manikarnika rushed there and banged the door but nothing happened.

All the servants there were shocked at what happened.

They continued trying to open the door with anything heavy until a yellow deadly thing appeared. Fire.

The fire quickly consumed everything around and if she was scared of water before then it's nothing compared to the fear she's having now.

"Help!" She shouted and continued banging the door but nothing.

She turned back to face the fire, everywhere was already in fire, the smoke making her uncomfortable as she coughed.

"Banging the door won't save you." A voice said, it came from in front of her. The voice was unfamiliar.

She raised her head to look at him and realized she doesn't know him.

"Who are...?"

The darkness came and then her head was blank until finally, here comes the water again.


At least the water will put out the fire 😁

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With love 💖

Anita 💞💃

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