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"Manu who did this to you, is it Amoli?" I have never seen Arnav like this before, it's like he can kill some one.

"Arnav why?" What is he talking about?

"There's a hand print on your face. Tell me who did it, is it mother or Amoli?" He pointed to the spot Amoli slapped me earlier.

I placed my hand on the spot as if I could feel the print on my face.

"Arnav don't make a big fuss about it." The way Arnav is reacting now, I can't believe I fear for Amoli.

"She hit you." He growled.

"I'd handled her."

"Yeah and it ended up with a slap that's printed on your face. I guess it's Amoli then." Am getting scared more and more as he kept his demonic new expression.

"Arnav what will you do to her? You can't mistreat her."

"But she can mistreat you?" He yelled and I flinched a little, he's angry because Amoli hit me but isn't he the person who doesn't want to forgive me?

"Arnav stop it. You are the same person who doesn't want to forgive me and now this?"

"Manu this is different, if I don't do anything, she'll continue mistreating you." His expression softened a little and I gave out a sign of relief.

"Arnav nothing's different, you are getting angry with me over a small issue and if it continues you'll be free to get mad at me anytime now that can't happen."

"Well You have apologize to me so I'll forgive you but one more thing."


"You must promise you'll never get angry with me." He raised his index finger and shook it signifying never.

"Arnav you can do no wrong that I'll get mad at you so, I'll blindly trust you from now on so yes I promise." What can he do to me? Nothing; that's how blindly I trust him. Arnav doesn't know how much I trust him.

"Thank you."

"No thank you." I gave him a dashing smile that no one can resist and he returned it.
"Oh and Arnav before I forget."


"I want information on father's death."

"Okay Manu but not here. I'll meet you at your chamber."

"Okay Arnav but don't do anything to Amoli okay."

"Okay Manu."

"Bye aunt Manu." Alisha said. I had forgotten all about her.


I went back to my chamber and waited for Arnav to come.

He took long but he came.

"Arnav what took you so long?"

"Nothing Manu, just forget it and tell me what you want?" He came and sat sides me.

"I just want to know the updates on father's murder and the attempt on my life but first of all, tell me what happened to father, he died because his heart was failing right?"

"Yes Manu, father had heart failure but he hadn't died yet. The doctor said he was strangled." I gasped at what he said. "I had asked for all the visitors of father that day and it was only us, you, mother and me." He continued.

Who could want to take the life of an already dying king. Shameless. "He is shameless Arnav." He nodded.

"I was the one that asked the doctor to declare that father died because of the illment so they won't know that we're investigating."

"Arnav what is your next step?"

"I don't know, I have to get father's murderer even if it's the last thing I do."

I agree and I also want to find who would want to deprive me of my father's love.

"I'll help you find him as well and if there's any update then inform me too."

"Manu I would want you not to get involved for your safety."

He's caring for me again, how is missed it but it doesn't matter because I need to get involved for father.

"No Arnav, this is father's murder we are talking about. Please promise me that you'll let me help."

"Okay Manu."

"Swear it Arnav."

"No Manu."

"Swear on me Arnav."

"Okay Manu," he placed his hand on top of my head. "I swear."

"Thank you Arnav but what I can't understand is why kill father and then go after me? You should be their next target." What could be so important about me and not Arnav that they'll target me instead. Am not even an Indian woman.

"Why, you think they could be the same person?"

"I have a hunch that they are the same person." Someone killed father and then after my life is threatened? They got to be the same person.

"Well judging from what happened when I drinked the poison instead of you and I was saved mysteriosly and if they are the same, it only means they don't want me dead." I nodded.

"I investigated Anika's mother to get information about what happened."

Poor woman would be devastated now. I should go see her one of these days.
"What was the outcome?"

"She said that some men kidnapped her and threatened Anika that they'll kill her if Anika didn't give you that tea. She said that it looks like they already know about you and Anika's close relationship."

"Then the traitor is staying in our very own roof."

"Yes Manu but the thing is, who?"

"That will be the hard part."

"Yes and Vihaan had said...." I zoomed out.

Talking with Arnav like this seems to be like forever and I felt alive.


I couldn't help smiling and into his dreamy eyes but no matter what, am ashamed to tell Arnav the truth.


At least I can hear him call me Manu.

"Anyways am leaving Manu." He cleared his throat bringing back to our conversation.

"Why?" His revelation suddenly sent a cold shiver down and I don't know why but it wasn't good.

"I want to investigate on something but you need not worry about it because I'll be back before holi and my promise to you is that I'll be the first one to apply colors on you."

"Okay Arnav." He ruffled my hair and then stood to leave.

"Arnav, take care." I said. I seriously don't feel good.

"Don't worry I'll be back." He then noticed how tensed I am. "This isn't my first trip outside the palace before. what's wrong?"

"Arnav I have a bad feeling like something is going to happen to you. Do you have to go?"

"Yes Manu. Remember my promise? I'll make sure am safe and return to apply colors on you."

"Okay Arnav."

"Manu stop worrying, it makes me nervous. Why don't you just see me off."

"Okay Arnav let's go."

I pray that thr Lord protects you, Arnav.


I wonder what could happen to Arnav?

And what does he want to investigate?


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