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"She doesn't need your help your majesty, let's go. She woke us up for nothing." Queen Amoli said bitterly, by the entrance of my bed chamber.

"Yes she does Amoli. She had a bad dream again." Arnav replied Her.

"How come you heard her scream with the distance from our place to here?" Queen Amoli asked. She seems really angry with me. Well I never asked any of them to come so she has no reason to be upset and I don't care.

"I felt it Amoli."

"How come you felt it." She continued nagging.

"She's my sister and besides I don't have to explain anything to you. Leave now." He yelled at her.

"She's a grown woman, she can take care of herself." She continued complaining.

"I don't...." Arnav began but I cut him off.

"She's right Arnav; I can handle myself so just go." I told him and layed back on my bed.

I felt the spot were Arnav sat raise. He has left.

I turned to see him walking away with Amoli.

Am sorry Arnav but I have to do this. I can't bring shame before you.

Just imagine what he said; he takes me as his sister, although that's what I am, I still feel hurt. I mean we aren't really related.

Manu, just sleep now and don't have any more bad dreams so you won't bring trouble for yourself.


I didn't get much sleep last night and this morning, I woke up from the bad side.

Pooja and other of my female servants served me my breakfast and after it, I bath. I don't feel like dressing up but what if Arnav come, he would see me like this and I look hideous. I'll apply some make up and wear my favorite Sari.


"Yes your majesty." She came in and bowed.

"I want to apply a very beautiful make up. Can you do it for me instead; I trust you now so I'll let only you apply me make up."

She smiled and walked closer,
"Yes, your majesty, I'll apply light make up just to enhance your face but do you know what your highness?"

"What?" I asked.

"You are naturally beautiful." Her comment only made me blush.

"Just apply it and stop giving me compliments." I laughed.

She applied the make up for me and also showed the Sari I'll wear.

She picked the jewelry I'll wear and also apply little hena on my hands.

"Thank you." I thanked her. I looked beautiful yet simple with the makeup she applied.

"You're welcome, your highness." She smiled. "You look extremely beautiful."

"You are just flattering me."

"No am not, you are really beautiful."

"Stop it pooja, you're making me blush." I giggled.

"But she's right Manu, you really look beautiful." Someone said behind us. My heart beat raised when I realized who the voice could be from.

I turned to face him and he smiled broadly at me.

I became flushed at the moment.

Why does when I see him smile affect me like this?

I got a grip on myself and smiled back.
"Arnav? You here?"

"Why don't you apply make up often?" He said totally ignoring my question. His question only makes it to ask,

Am I really looking beautiful now?

"Arnav stop it." I blushed.

He opened his eyes widely at me in surprise.

Why is he surprised like this?
Have he come to know?
Oh no, what have I done?

My heart beat quicken.


"Are you blushing? Am I really seeing you blush?" He asked, eyes widely opened but I saw the side of his lip curl a bit.

No. This can't be happening.
He can't know and this is only happening because I keep speaking with him.

"Manu are you okay?" He asked, it was then I realized I was sweating. At this time, pooja excused herself.

"My fine Arnav, and I have something to say." I cleared my throat.

"Okay, tell me." He had concern written all over his face as he walked closer to me and placed his hands on my shoulders.

I began to feel the butterflies again and I can't feel this way.

I quickly moved back and dropped his hands. "Arn...av? I-I I can't marr...rry you anymore." I stuttered.

All the colors from his face drained and he's face darkened.

"What are you saying Manu? Is this a joke?" He yelled.

"No Arnav, it's not. Instead of me marrying you why not find a good noble man to marry me and give me protection." I explained. Am really getting scared seeing Arnav this angry.

"Manu, no one can protect you like me."

"You can't say that."

"Yes I can. Manu why do you not trust me?"

"I do trust you Arnav, it's just that I can't marry you." I turned away.

"What happened again Manu? Why do you keep changing your mind? I have already married Amoli for you because of the deal with mother and now you don't want to marry me again." He yelled but there was a hint of plea in his voice.

Am sorry Arnav.

"Nothing, I just won't." A tear rolled down. All my body heated up and I can feel the heat of my breath.

"Am sorry Arnav." I said but got no reply so I turned to face him and found I was alone.

I crashed to the ground and cried.

Why does it hurt this much?

"Princess Manikarnika, it's okay. You'll ruin the make up." Pooja had said from beside me. How she came is not what worries me at the moment and neither the make up.

I cringed to her and cried some more.


"Queen Amoli ask permission to enter." I heard my announcer's voice. It was already evening and I've consoled myself and felt better.

"She may enter." I wonder what that cheap witch want.

She walked in majestically and smiled sheepishly at me. If only she knows how it disgusts me.

"What do you want Amoli?"

"Is that how you treat your queen? No welcome at all?" She walked closer to me and sat down. "I heard you will be getting married to Arnav as well."

"And so? Are you here for my gossip." I spoke irritatedly.

"You better get out of my way because Arnav I mine. No matter what, I'll be superior to you because am his first wife." Her expression changed totally and glared at me. "Oh and this is not a threat but a warning." She added and then left.

The next thing that comes to my mind to do is to shoot arrows; it's the only way I know to keep calm.

"Arun?" I called out.

"Yes, your highness." He replied while walking in.

"My bow."

"Yes, your highness." He replied and walked back before returning after five minutes with my weapon.

"Thank you." I appreciated him and off I went to my training garden.



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