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My eyes spranged opened, everywhere was dark, there was not a single light coming from anywhere. Was going on?

I realized I wasn't lying on the soft bed I slept on last night but on the cold floor.

I stood up on my feet. I used my hands to feel if anything or anyone was around but nothing.

"Hello?" Only my voice echoed back.

"Anyone there?" I asked but no one answered except for my echo.

"Arnav?" I wonder if this is a dream.

I walked around to see if I'll find the way out but instead I stumbled into something and I hit my head hard on the floor.

"What's meaning of this?" A voice, most likely a woman's voice grumbled.

"Who are you?" I asked instead.

"How dare you, am the mother of the king and why isn't there any light?" She replied irritated.

"Queen Adhira?"

"Your majesty to you. And you haven't answered my question." She fired back. How dare she? After all she has done, it's a good thing Arnav isn't partial and punished his mother for her wrong. He even had the courage to tell me.

"You were the one who killed my mother!"


"And then you killed father, you are heartless. Both you and Vikram."

"Who are you!"

"The woman whom you've been trying to kill. Manikarnika."

"What? Manikarnika is dead. You are lying." There was a little bit of shock and worry in her voice.

"If only I could see you right now."

"Then what will you do? I still think you should have died along with your adopted parents. They made my life worthless. If you didn't really die and it's really you then trust me, you better stay away from me because I will finish you off." She was back to her ordering voice like she owned the world.

"What did I do to you anyway?"

"You remind me of the love I didn't have, you and that Vikram, both of you, just die." She spat. Talking to her became boring as I figure out she's just like me. Hopelessly stubborn.

"Arguing with you is hopeless, do you know why we are here?" I asked instead.

"If I did, I wouldn't be wasting my time speaking with you. I would have done something."

"Well we can't stay here." I gestured around with my hands but it was useless as she can't even see me.

"Do you think I want to?"

"Just stop and let's help each other."

"No way, I don't want to have anything to do with you."

"Neither do I but we don't have any choice." I persuaded, am beginning to lose my patience. If not for the fact she's Arnav's mother I wouldn't have been talking to her.

"I don't..." she started but stopped when suddenly we heard the slamming noise of the door opening with anger and the sudden entrance of light into the room.

"Are you both done with arguing?"


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With love 💖

Anita 💞💃

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