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After hours of staying locked up in my room, Vikram finally came back.

It was already dark outside.

He came and grabbed me by my arm and dragged me outside.

"Vikram stop it." But he didn't stop.

"You are hurting me!" I yelled at him.

But he didn't stop.

He got a rope and tied my hands and legs together, then he placed me on a chariot and rode off.

On our way, some men riding on horses joined us. I became very afraid. Oh God, what's Vikram planning to do?

I have never seen this side of him before but if he really is hiding something then It mustn't be good.

We kept to the road for some time before we finally stop. Every was dark and I couldn't see a thing.

He came and got me out, he made me stay under the chariot and then he brought someone else and placed her besides me.

"Vikram who is this?" I asked but he didn't reply.

"Vikram why are you doing this?"

"After tonight, we both will live together in peace." He managed to answer. What could he mean by that?


"Sorry Maha but I need my revenge first." He came closer until our faces were just an inch away.

"Vikram-vikram? What are...."

"Shhhhhh, relax, I will never hurt you."

He shifted backwards.

"I'll be back."

"Vikram you better untie me right now! I will shout and scream." I threatened.

He chuckled, "I know you would." He brought out a piece of cloth from behind. Guess he actually knew and came prepared. "I just need you to be silent for now." He said whilst tying my mouth with the cloth. I tried resisting but he held me down.

"I'll be back." Then he left.

I don't know what he's planning but something tells me it's the worst thing that could ever happen, but Vikram tied me so well and I can't wiggle my hands out.

Maybe she would help.

My mind immediately took me to the stranger with me.

I tried shaking her but she didn't move. Is she dead?

The cold air of realisation rushed over me as it dawned on me. Could Vikram actually be a murderer?


I waited for some time before Vikram came and dragged me out.

"It's time to have revenge for mother." He announced and then brought out the woman perviously laying with me.

I gulped as I saw who Vikram had badly beaten up.

"Take this sword." He handed it to me but I refused to take it.

He brought out a knife and held it at her throat. "Do you want Gangaa to die like this?"

"You are evil Vikram." I sobbed. What have I gotten her into. She had said I would and now I have.

"Vikram you devil, leave her."

"I am not the devil but him." He gestured behind himself with his head but I saw no one coming. "If you don't take this sword now, she will die."

"Okay I will." I hesitated and my hands shook every time it got closer to the sword.

"Take it now Maha!" He shouted, it scared me and immediately I took it.

"I took it, now what?!" I shouted back.

"Shhhhhh." He whispered. "Now go and kill him or she dies." He turned back, this time I actually saw some one coming.

"Surrender or die!" He shouted out but non of us replied.

"He can't see you properly, you can lunch an attack on him even before he realizes it." He pulled me forward and then pushed me towards him. "Do it or she dies. You know her family will be very sad if she does."

I walked slowly and closer to the man getting closer as well as I thought of what Vikram said. Gangaa has been walking so hard for her parents back at her home. She was rejected for marriage once and nobody wanted....

"Ahhhhh." I screamed as I finally felt the dying pain of what happened.

He dragged out his sword, I had heard someone shout but then an even greater darkness than the night came and consumed me.


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With love 💖


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